Chances of Getting in??

<p>I'm currently a sophomore at high school. I am taking one AP class (Chinese, and I am Chinese..) and one Honors class (Chemistry). I had 2 Bs freshman year (both semesters for JAVA) and I have 2 Bs for this semester sophomore year (Algebra 2/ Trig and Chemistry H). My PSAT score is 177.. and I do water polo and swimming. I am a public relations officer for Chinese Honor Society and in the activities committee for my school's Red Cross Club. I also play the piano..</p>

<p>I don't know why but I keep getting Bs in my classes.. I am wondering if there is a possibility of me getting into Berkeley.
I'm really nervous because the people at my school are all really talented at everything and get straight As and 2200+ for SATs.</p>

<p>please help and give me suggestions!
Thanks! :D</p>