<p>I'm trying to get into NotreDame. As a Clemson student, I've taken 20 hours my first semester, and am taking 17 hours second semester.<br>
For semester 1, I took pretty hard classes (calc II, physics w/ calc, chemistry, engineering, c programming, english), most of which had labs, but I only got a 3.2 for the semester and I had a C in calc.
I had 10 hours of summer courses with a perfect 4.0 and was a National Merit semifinalist, but I only have a 3.4 GPA as of right now. I think I can do pretty well this semester, and maybe even get another 4.0, but do I have a decent chance at getting into ND? I'm not really familiar with the rigor of their admisisons...</p>
<p>a 3.2 is weak for ND, there was recently an applicant on here who was an alum and had a 3.8 and was rejected…That being said, for soph. admissions, your hs transcript will be a very important part of your admissions…what are your hs stats? what are your sats? what are your hs and college ec’s?</p>
<p>Curious as to your reasons for wanting to leave Clemson University. Seems as though Clemson is academically challenging and that if you were to transfer it would be to a more science/engineering type school such as Carnegie Mellon, Purdue, Georgia Tech or MIT.</p>
<p>that’s one studly schedule you had there first semester, dmahon.</p>
<p>I had a 3.65 in high school. I had quite a few extracurriculars: I did two years of varsity golf, a year of varsity soccer, and a year of varsity lacrosse. I did two years of band and two years of jazz band, as well of 4 years each of active community service and summer work in an auto garage. I was a NMSQT semifinalist (does that count for anything?), and have what I believe to be very good recommendations.
Although my GPA for my first semester was a 3.2, my GPA as of now is a 3.4, and if I work as hard as I plan to it will be a 3.65 by the end of the summer. I have spoken with the ND transfer admissions coordinator, who told me in November I was “right on track”, although this was before my grades fell at “crunch”.<br>
My 20 hour semester was intended to supply me with 30 hours, the minimum to transfer, although, as I found later, I was ineligible without 2 full semesters. Clemson is a reasonably challenging school. I had hoped my first semester GPA would be taken with a grain of salt, as many students make scheduling mistakes during their first semester, Calculus II is a universally hard course, is especially so with 20 course-hours, and I was pulling a very heavy academic load. Lastly, I have shown continued interest in the school, and have spoken with the transfer coordinator at least a half-dozen times since June.
7 AP courses
16 Honors courses
1 non-Honors course</p>
<p>As for my reason for leaving Clemson, it is too close to home; I lived only 45 minutes away.</p>
<p>I think your GPA is quite strong for the schedule you took. Engineering students are pretty universally recognized to have lower GPA’s than others, especially freshman first term. And 20 hours is stiff even for Engineering freshmen, who often have heavier credit hours than others.</p>
<p>All you can do is go for it.</p>
<p>Good luck.</p>
<p>i applied to ND for transfer twice and was denied both times. had a 3.8 but was going to arts and letters. </p>
<p>i am not too sure about what it is like for transfers into Engineering but i know not many transfer into it… Although it would be difficult, try and get that GPA higher. the average for ND is around a 3.7 i believe, so you are on the far down end - but i do have a friend that got in with a 3.0 - yet his parents donated the value of a small house.</p>
<p>snwrider2007, I was just wondering where you applied from and what major you wanted to transfer as.</p>
<p>I was at Western Michigan University… i’d say it is a tier 3 public uni - about 25K students. I was a double major poli sci/business and a minor in biochemistry and was holding a 3.8. but i applied to straight polisci. i had a bunch of EC’s too - like 4+ leadership positions. and i was legacy - mom, grandfather, uncle, cousin, etc. went/go there. </p>
<p>I met all the gen ed requirements and had the admissions counselor make sure all my classes would transfer - turns out i would have been behind by maybe a 2 classes but could have made them up next year or this summer. </p>
<p>So who knows. the system is a little screwy but that is the nature of it. Best of luck to you. It’s tough to get in, but i have my fair share of friends accepted with sub 3.6 gpa’s, who were not legacy.</p>