Chances of getting in?

<p>I.B. Diploma Candidate.</p>

<p>GPA: 4.5 (out if 6 points)
SAT I: 2350
SAT II: 720 - Spanish 730 - U.S. History 720 - German</p>

-Model United Nations (President)
-Foundation for International Equality (President)
-Philosophy Club - (President)
-DECA (Marketing Club)
-FBLA - (Vice President)
-Mathematics Honors Society
-Spanish Honors Society
-Chess Club
-Habitat for Humanity (Vice President)
-Speech and Debate (Varsity)</p>

<p>Summer Activities:
-Studied abroad freshman year of high school in Spain
-International development project in poor areas of Germany and Austria with<br>
"Volunteers for Peace" summer of Sophmore year.
- Month-long internship with the United Nations summer of of Junior year in the
Phillipine Islands.</p>

<p>Community Service:
- Carolinas Medical Center volunteer. (70 hours so far)
- Goodwill Charities Volunteer
- Loaves and Fishes Volunteer
- Various Homeless shelter work with the poor.</p>

<p>*Fluent in Spanish
*Fluent in German</p>

<p>Three questions: are you international? What college are you applying to? And what’s your IB predicted?</p>

<p>I was an IB diploma candidate who got turned down to CAS in freshman year, but got into ILR as a transfer. We have really similar SAT stats and you had more hs ECs. If you’re applying to ILR, I’d say considerable chance.</p>

<p>Hey gthoyas.</p>

<p>I always tell students there is really no magical formula that will promise that you will be accepted. Admissions reviews each application and they want a mix of students with different interests.</p>

<p>Grades are always important as well as your activities. However, with thousands of students applying to the university every year many students that very well may be qualified are not accepted.</p>

<p>Just remember…the essay is the one thing on your application where you can really express yourself. Take some time and put a lot of thought into it!</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Gthoyas there’s no real formula to being accepted. Admissions wants people with diverse interests.
Of course there are some important things like grades and ec’s. You should keep in mind that the essay is your one chance in the application in expressing yourself, put some hard work into it.</p>

<p>Thanks guys.</p>

<p>Yea I’m aware there’s no formula for getting into anywhere…</p>

<p>I’m actually not an international student; I live in NC. I’m looking to go into international development or international law.</p>

<p>So I’m basically looking at schools with strong international programs. Georgetown, American University, Cornell, Boston College, Duke, American University in Paris etc… are all schools I’ll be applying to.</p>

<p>I’m trying to emphacize my international experience abroad for trying to get in. I think knowing a couple extra languages helps too…</p>

<p>O yea and by the way for the admissions essay I’m going to write about the experience I had in Spain and what I learned from it… that whole thing…</p>

<p>Is there anything I could work on?</p>

<p>Hey gthoyas.</p>

<p>Sounds like you have a good start on your essay. Keep it real and show who you are. Also, make sure you revise it and let others read it. Other people might pick up things that you misses or give helpful suggestions!</p>

<p>Wow, your SATs are amazing, but your GPA is kind of low, and when colleges see high SAT and low GPA they think slacker, so you should definitely try to rectify that as much as possible in the beginning of next year. EC’s are good, and just out of curiosity, did you learn German and Spanish or is it spoken in the household?</p>

<p>If you can, send in your application by owl; that would really impress them. A friend of mine sent his essay to Toni Morrison and Walter Isaacson and they proofread it/wrote it for him. </p>

<p>I second Mvingi, get your GPA up this next year if you can and concentrate on essays and teacher recs. Good luck</p>

<p>I went to a German immersion school where I grew up speaking German… As for Spanish I learned that freshman year of highschool studying abroad in Spain…</p>

<p>Yea i was an IB diploma dude too 3.77 GPA (out of 4)
my sats werent quite as high and I was also rejected
Its all luck, even if u are qualified or “over qualified”</p>