Chances of getting in?

<p>Ethnicity: Indian
Gender: Male
Location: Michigan
School Type: Public
Not applying for Financial AID</p>

<p>GPA: 86/100
Class Rank: Top 32%
SAT: 1140/1600 (510 Reading, 630 Math)</p>

<p>Freshman GPA: 2.4, 2.6
Sophomore GPA: 3.0, 3.6
Junior GPA: 3.2, 3.7</p>

<p>Class Rigor:
Honors English 9
Honors English 10
Honors Algebra II
Honors Pre Calculus
Honors World Studies
Honors Biology
AP Calculus AB
AP Calculus BC
AP English Language and Composition
IB Biology Year One
IB Biology Year Two
IB Literature Year One
Spanish I
Spanish II
Spanish III</p>

<p>Extra Curricular Activities</p>

<li><p>Played High School Tennis for Four Years
Junior Varsity Captain Junior Year
Varsity Player Senior Year</p></li>
<li><p>Part of High School Quizbowl Team for Four Years
Regional Champions
Participated in States</p></li>
<li><p>Debate Team for Three Years
First year was Novice Debate
Second and Third Year Varsity Debate
Third Year Quizbowl Captain</p></li>
<li><p>Charity Program at School Two Years
Helped with fundraiser for St.Judes
Collected Money for Unicef
Participated in other activities</p></li>
<li><p>Multicultural Club at School Two years
<li><p>Hospital Volunteering for Three Years
Worked in Staff Management office
Helped with sending Medical Financial AID letters out</p></li>
<li><p>Did Research at Field Neurosciences Institute
Worked with converting bone marrow stem cells into brain cells
Involved myself in lab work and other types of research</p></li>
<li><p>Worked for Democratic Headquarters
Canvassed and Campainged for someone running for State Senate
Helped in some tasks in the Democratic Headquarters</p></li>
<li><p>Worked under Andy Dillon (ran for governor/speaker of the house)
Helped campaign by going door to door for him
Worked polls during election primaries</p></li>
<li><p>Worked in my family’s restaurant
Helped in Restaurant management and finance.</p></li>

<p>Letter of Recommendations:
One from my Honors/IB Biology Teacher
One from my AP English and Language Comp teacher
One from my Counselor</p>

<p>I’m expecting a good letter from each.</p>

Two letters from BU Professors when I participated in a summer challenge program at the school, both say very good things.</p>

<p>Essays: Should be decent but nothing superb or below average.</p>

<p>Please let me know my chances! I have bad test scores/gpa but I have great EC’s and Class Rigor.</p>

<p>defer maybe</p>

<p>Class rank in bottom tenth of recent freshman classes, and SAT at around the 25th percentile.</p>

<p>Like above says, they’ll probably defer/waitlist you. I’d say you have about a 10-15% chance of an outright admit. It will all depend on how strong the applicant pool is. You have a chance, so apply.</p>

<p>Writing a personal statement that explains your GPA will improve your chances; perhaps stating that you didn’t take school seriously enough at first but really buckled down and have a lot to show for it now.</p>