Chances of getting into A&M with a low rank/gpa?

Hi everyone, I’m currently a junior in high school reaching my final days. I’ve been think a lot about colleges that I want to go to and A&M seems like a pretty good fit. However, I’m top 36% (217 out of 589, this was right after sophomore year so it might get better, plus my class is bigger) in my school and my unweighted gpa is 3.124 and a weighted gpa of 90! I’m not a dumb kid at all, I’m actually pretty smart, but I was just going through a lot at the beginning of high school and I was also just lazy. This year I’ve been pretty determined to raise my rank and my gpa as well as boost my application. I’m taking 6 AP classes (and yes, they’re literally killing me but it’s okay) and I have tried to get pretty good grades in them, excluding physics because I’m gonna end with like an 82 :frowning: I also participate in a lot of clubs and activities and I’m officer of an honor society and Habitat for Humanity next year. I’m also working on being a senior class officer as well. In addition, I’ve managed to end most of my classes (besides physics ugh) with either a high B or a super low A. I’m still trying to find the motivation to work hard in school, but I’m for sure doing a lot better than I used to. Also, I got a 1320 on my very first SAT without studying at all and I’m currently in an SAT prep course so I’m hoping that I can get into the 1400s by the end of it. Please, is there any way that I can get into A&M?? I feel like my only shot is to get into top 25% so I would have to raise myself about 60 ranks and I don’t think that’ll be too bad because a lot of the kids ahead of me are taking a lot of regular classes or they have worse grades then me. I also got up 30 ranks last year while still being extremely lazy last year and with my gpa going up by .03. I know that getting an 87 or something in an AP class is better than a 95 in regular so I’m not too worried. I’m also trying to boost the seemingly 300000 89s that I have up to 90s. Please chance me or help me out!

@justanothajunie my son was top 38% and got a 1280 and was not admitted. His friend was top qtr with a lower SAT score and was offered Blinn Team. All that matters is Class rank and test scores. Essays and ECs will help if you are a revived admit. Your GPA doesn’t impact anything nor does how “competitive “ your school is. Because your finishing your junior year, you class rank is set for admission purposes so there is no time to bring it up before you apply. To have a chance you should work hard to bring up the SAT to a 1360 or better. That way you meet at least one of the criteria for academic auto admit. Be prepared for a long wait for a decision. Most likely late February early March.

ok thank you so much! and my rank isn’t set at top 36%, I haven’t gotten my new rank for this year yet, but I’m for sure gonna try and get my SAT score up.

If you do not make the top quarter of your graduating class by the end of your Junior year and obtain a 1360 (with the required subscores) to qualify for academic admit, then your “chances” of A&M are around 13% of admission to the University as a full admit.
Very, very few second quarter applicants receive full admissions and the very few who do, have really good SAT/ACT scores.
Blinn Team is only a slightly better possibility but the majority of second quarter applicants, even those with high SAT and ACT are offered PSA.

Being a review applicant is a hard place to be, as there are over 40K applications each year. The auto admit and academic admits are processed first. Only a handful of top quarter review applicants will receive a decision before January. There was only one admissions release date in January last year. The rest were February-March. If you end up being a second quarter applicant, you will not receive a decision until likely February through March.

As a review applicant, do not consider Mays being an option. Chances for a review applicant getting a spot in the business school are very low. The places are filled by the auto/academic admits through rolling admissions and Mays only takes 1000 freshmen. There are spots held for highly qualified review applicants, like a national merit applicant who was top 10.501

Applications open July 1. If you do get placed in the top quarter, take the SAT as many times as necessary until you can reach academic admit.

Good Luck. Come back and participate in the journey when you apply.

I would say your essays and ecs do have impact if they stand out! I will be entering this fall as part of blinn-TEAM and I’m happy with that seeing as I didn’t perform well in high school, but I do know people that were much higher ranked and had better test scores that got psa