Chances of getting into a UC

Hi I just finished my Junior year and I’m wondering what my chances are for the mid UC schools, like Davis, Irvine, Santa Barbara, and San Diego, as well as the high end ones like LA and Berkley. My gpa this junior year was a 4.6 with all classes weighted, and a 4.2 UC gpa (2 weighted classes). I’ve also never gotten less than a 4 on an AP Exam. I have only taken a PSAT and one ACT that was pretty much just a practice as I didn’t even study. My grade on the ACT I winged was a 26 and I’m currently tutoring with an SAT tutor before I take a couple SAT’s, so I expect my grade to be decent on that. My extracurriculars are good, 4x member of varsity golf and football teams and also president of a nonprofit volunteer organization. Also a few clubs. the only thing I’m worried about is my sophomore year grades. I only got a 4.0 my first semester sophomore year and a 4.2 the second. UC weighted it was a 3.6 and 3.8. That drops my gpa averaged down to just a 3.95. Will colleges note my improvement over the last year? Or will Sophmore year just drag me down?

What is your overall UC GPA weighted/capped and fully weighted?

Your ACT of 26 puts in below the 25th percentile for all the UC’s you have listed, so definitely do some test prep and bump up your scores.

What is your intended major? since the more competitive majors such as Engineering/CS, Psychology, Biology etc… will need higher than average stats for a solid chance.

UC’s are very GPA focused, but your overall application such as test scores, HS course rigor, EC’s and essays will all contribute to your chances. Once you have calculated your UC GPA and have some tests scores, repost so CC posters can give you a better idea.

AP scores are not considered for admission decisions, but doing well in the AP classes will have a positive impact on your GPA.

Here are some stats just based on UC GPA and remember these are averages and not based on competitive vs. non-competitive majors:

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.40-3.79:

UCB: 2%
UCLA: 3%
UCSD: 6%
UCD: 15%
UCSB: 14%
UCI: 13%
UCSC: 59%
UCR: 78%
UCM: 92%

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19:

UCB: 14%
UCLA: 14%
UCSD: 44%
UCSB: 54%
UCD: 58%
UCI: 65%
UCSC: 85%
UCR: 94%
UCM: 96%

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 4.20 or above:

UCB: 42%
UCLA: 54%
UCSD: 87%
UCSB: 85%
UCD: 91%
UCI: 94%
UCR/UCM: 98%