<p>Hey everyone, chance me. </p>
<p>Cornell--Arts and Sciences school</p>
<p>Early Application </p>
<p>Sat Score--1950 690 reading 620 math 640 writing
3.77 unweighted GPA
4.05 GPA
10 AP classes total (5 this year--senior)
English language
English literature
World History
United States history
AP comparative Government
AP BC Calculus </p>
<p>Extra Curricular and volunteer activities -- Chess Club 2 years, Science Bowl 4 years (captain for 2), Science Olympiad 2 years (state one year), NHS( president 1 year member for two), National Youth Leaders Conference Attendee in D.C, Ronald McDonald Teen Board (just started) </p>
<p>AP Test scores-- Chem-3
Biology 2
U.S history 4
World history 4<br>
English language 3 (the rest i take in may)<br>
So, what do you think with a solid essay can I get in with an Early Application into Cornell?</p>
<p>Any help would be deeply appreciated.</p>
<p>With lackluster grades, sat scores, and extra-curriculars, getting into an incredibly competitive school like Cornell is rather unlikely.</p>
<p>Really tough chance, AP scores are pretty awful especially bio and chem</p>
<p>That SAT score… You really need to pick it up to a 2000 if you want a plausible chance and 2200+ if you want the possibility of being competitive
Sorry to say it, but your chances aren’t very high.</p>
<p>I dont know if i agree with some of your statements, based on my research I’m right in the range I need to be in for GPA and the SAT. As for the AP scores from what I’ve heard they are mainly seen as a supplement and don’t affect your chances all that much.</p>
<p>I have to agree with everyone else that the SAT scores seem really low. A 1310 is pretty low for Cornell.</p>
<p>I’ve always interpreted AP scores as only being able to hurt your application, despite what application officers may say.</p>
<p>Consider if two people both get A in a class like AP Chemistry in different schools across the nation. How can you account for possible grade inflation? The only way to see what they’ve really learned is through a standardized test like the AP test.</p>
<p>You are taking challenging courses, but you aren’t doing well in them. Getting below a 5 already puts you out of top 15-20%. I’d say it’s Extremely super duper high reach for cornell</p>
<p>i didnt get a 1310, I got a 1950…</p>
<p>well its not like im failing all of these tests, (disregarding biology) so grade inflation wont be very much of an issue, but I do agree that I couldve done better.</p>
<p>Your critical is 1310/1600</p>
<p>what is the average critical for those that get accepted?</p>
<p>You may or may not get in… It’s hard to judge whether you will be accepted or not because we are not Cornell admission officers. They consider alot of other things as well not just SAT and GPAs. Maybe your Essay / recommendations will be excellent and be admitted that way. I know people who didn’t get that great SATs and still got into Cornell. Just to be safe, try to aim that 1400/1600 if you plan to apply for Ivy leagues.</p>
<p>Well, I hope my essays push me over the top then because I’m doing early application and there arent any other opportunities to take the SAT.</p>
<p>Also, I’m sure if this is relevant to admission, but I forgot to mention that I’m African American.</p>
<p>Well being an African American can put you at an advantage so that’s like a plus… Hopefully when your essays and recommendations and everything else come together, you will be able to make it! We can’t tell if you can make it or not. The university has to decide if they like you or not.</p>