GPA weighted- 4.14
APs- AP gov/nsl-3
aps taking now-
ap calc ab
ap language
ap bio
aps taking senior year(although umd probably doesnt look at senior grades)
ap ceramics
ap psych
ap stat
ap enviro science</p>
<p>I havent taken the sats yet but i've been getting 1800s on practice ones(gotta study more)
I plan on taking them next yr...one in March and another one in Oct.</p>
<p>extracurricular activities
-Christian Club
-Badminton club
-National Art Honors Society
-Ceramics club
-tutoring program
-american red cross</p>
<p>highschool- Thomas S. Wootton HS in maryland-ranked 60 in the u.s.</p>
<p>my brother currently attends CP as a Freshman. im not sure if thats going to help me though.</p>
<p>probably going post a new entry when i recieve my ap, sat, and act scores.</p>
<p>You are in-state; you're probably fine. Higher SATs would be better. As far as I know, your brother's status at UMD probably won't make a difference. They ask if either of your parents are alums.</p>
<p>i know a girl from a private school who got spring semester with 3.8 and 2000, asian american instate. Im asian american and got in with a 3.4 1300/1600 SAT lol.</p>
To all of the people on these threads that constantly laugh when someone puts a creative arts course on their transcripts, don’t mind them. Clearly, they don’t realize that art is part of a well rounded individual. I’m a graphics design major, there is nothing wrong with putting AP ceramics on your transcript. Anyway, ceramics is a challenging course! Especially that wheel!! Ahh frustration!! Haha =) Not just anyone can pass a ceramics course, much less AP ceramics! Additionally, you look like a very good candidate! Good Luck when you apply!!</p>
<p>Uh, RUG66, I wasn’t laughing at the fact she took a ceramics course; that actually sounds interesting. There is no ‘AP Ceramics’, though. The only AP art courses are studio art and art history, I think. I don’t care enough to look it up. You can’t just designate a course ‘AP’, accelerated, maybe.</p>
<p>I’m sorry. I did pose it as if I was making an attack on you, but I did that stupidly. I guess I just trying to use it as an example. However, I shouldn’t have. I didn’t think your comment was aggressive. I’ve seen other comments on this board where people think courses like that are pointless. They say that, point blank. Power to you though! =)</p>
<p>Your GPA will help you get in. However, the reality is AP Ceramics is not officially listed as an AP by college board. The way to know if it is an AP by AP stds is if you are required to take an exam. Many schools now say this is an AP, but UMD will only accept/give credit to what College Board deems AP. Here is the link that is qualified AP’s
[AP</a> Courses - Advanced Placement Course Descriptions](<a href=“College Board - SAT, AP, College Search and Admission Tools”>AP Courses and Exams – AP Students | College Board)</p>
<p>BTW with all of those AP’s I think you’re in</p>
<p>Just a quick question for pokexfun. I was wondering how high schools in maryland calculate GPA’s for honors and advanced placement courses. In my school the highest you can go is 4.0 and the valedictorian only has a 3.9. Since UMCP says the average GPA is 3.9 I really can’t see how its possible. I live in NY, and we don’t offer AP courses at my school but rather college credit courses. Are you on a 5.0 scale and that’s why it’s so how. I would really appreciate any feedback.</p>
<p>Sorry I forgot to ask one other question. What exactly is a 4.14 in terms of percent such as 90-100 and what is the letter grade for that particular GPA?</p>
<p>THANK YOU for the encouraging words! I’m excited to take it next year…even though it is going to be a challenge (im a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to ceramics).</p>
<p>Well I am most definitely putting in Ap ceramics in my application.
Sorry for the misunderstanding though, my high school calls Studio Art:3-d design , AP Ceramics. </p>