<p>I'll be applying in the fall. Just wondering what my chances are for admittance. My first choice is Berkeley, but I'm afraid it might be a bit of a reach for me... Id hate to have Davis as a safety and then be rejected from it too.
Major: Psychology
GPA: ~3.75 (with huge upward grade trend)
IGETC: Completed by the end of Fall 08
Major prerequisites: Heres where I have some concerns. I'll have my UCLA and UCB pre reqs done, but I'll be missing a few for Davis. The reason for this is Davis requires Calc, Physics, and a different Bio class than is required for UCLA and UCB. Basically what it comes down to its I cant fit all of the pre reqs for all of the schools into my schedule.</p>
<p>Will this hurt, or possibly kill, my chances for admission?
Would UCSC be a better safety school?</p>
<p>There's someone from Davis admissions that posts here occasionally, it might do you some good to send him (her?) a message. I'm pretty sure the screen name is UCD admissions</p>
<p>Psychology is one of our selective majors, Requirements</a> in the College of Letters and Science , and asks us not to admit students that do not meet the admissions requirements. Calculus and physics are required courses for admissions as seen at the link above. If you have further questions please contact me by private message.</p>
<p>I'd say your chances are pretty good for berkeley, and great for davis. Some schools like Berkeley work with you if you haven't completed your prereq. You could also try irvine as a safety school.</p>