<p>Hey, if anyone can please help me, I 'am currently enrolled at Florida Atlantic University (FAU), and was wondering what my chances are of getting into Florida State University for the Fall of 2011? I'm going to transfer there after this year, my sophomore year, and will have my A.A. My current G.P.A is 3.066 and plan on it going up by the end of the fall and spring semesters.</p>
<p>My major I'm going for is Sports management, and maybe a double major in Applied Economics, and it said to have at least 9 credits of certain courses for pre-requites for sports management, but I will have most likely close to 21 credits. So hopefully that helps me in some way if it does. Also, anyone that is close to my situation also transfer to FSU could please put some info.</p>
<p>Thanks ahead to anyone that responds and gives there inputs.</p>