Chances of getting into nursing programs

Hi i was wondering if anyone could tell me my chances for getting into certain nursing schools. my stats (currently a junior-i know its early)

ACT- 30 (i think i can get it up 1 or 2 points since i have a-lot of time)
gpa- weighted -4.1 unweighted-3.86 (still can move since i have the rest of the year)

taking the following aps- ap world (got a 4 on the ap), us history, psychology, english
and i plan on taking more next year (chemistry, biology, spanish, and english)

extra curriculars- science olympiad, debate team captain, snd im in science research so we have to do internships at labs over the summer

schools i want to apply to

  • boston college
  • UNC
  • Binghamton
  • NYU
  • Northeastern
    -hunter college
  • villanova
  • u of michigan
  • penn state
  • emory university
  • georgetown (far reach ik)
  • george washington university
  • boston university

Hi - not sure about chances, but BU doesn’t have nursing, FYI. Good luck with your junior year!

It’s really hard to say as many Nursing schools do not necessarily state their specific stats of Direct Admit Freshman. I’ve seen a few that state the minimums either on the website or in a nursing info session. In general, Direct Admit Nursing schools have higher stats than the general school admit stats. So whatever school you are targeting, be sure that you are at (or likely above) the stats for the general admit stats. That will help you to determine where you will likely be most competitive. I have heard that Georgetown (and U Penn) are not as competitive in Nursing as they are in other programs. Not sure if that’s true or not.

Just be sure to balance Reach, Target, and Likely groups of schools and you’ll be fine. There are lots of great schools out there. And for Nursing, you will make about the same as a newly graduated RN that has passed the NCLEX no matter where you go to school. So just do the best you can on grades/ACT and find the best fit you can!

Direct nursing programs are so competitive. I would add Fairfield University and Sacred Heart to your list. Both have very good nursing programs with brand new nursing facilities being built the past 2-3 years.

I don’t think GW has nursing undergrad either. There are comprehensive direct entry and boarder nursing undergrad lists available which my DD found helpful. Some schools need you to show demonstrated interest in nursing field (Michigan is one of those). And even with great stats ( my DD had 34ACT, state qualified EMT, 3.9 GPA) she didn’t get into U Mich or NYU. There are so few seats in the programs. eg. Michigan accepts ~100 – think what that means. – probably ~40-50 will be from Michigan, so that’s ~1 kid per state for the rest of the spots. I would strongly suggest ED’ing if you can.

Northeastern has a very small program, not even 100 spots and by the time ED1 and ED2 rolls in there are VERY few spots open. Now that BC offers ED I would say probably the same story there. So even if you are competitive stat wise the acceptance rates are still small. Also, most of the private schools admit holistically and are looking at geographic diversity etc. Make sure you have a balanced list with some of your instate public schools and then add some of the more competitive schools. Also look at the financial aspect and make sure your parents are willing to pay what those schools think they should.

In our area many students are interested in quinnipiac and St. Anselm.