<p>I am a white female and applying for 10th grade from the state of Florida. I am freshman class president of the 900 in my class, I am the captain of my JV volleyball team, and I also participate in lacrosse. I play both sports year round, traveling all over. With no preparation, I scored in the 99th percentile overall on my SSAT, with a 96th percentile on verbal, 99th on math, and 94th reading. I have straight A's and A+'s, never had a B before. I am on the competitive math team, earning 1st, 2nd, 5th, 6th, and 3rd place in county and regional competitions. I am in all honors classes and AP+ (a pre-AP class), for there are no AP classes available for my grade. I am in my second year of Spanish also. My English teacher overlooked all of my essays, and she was very impressed. I also mentioned that I have been selected along with 5 others, of the 300 people, to lead a summer camp I attend for 3 weeks each summer. I think my interview went very well and they were told that this was my idea to look into these schools, not my parents. I got good recommendations from my teachers, guidance counselors, and others. I am applying for financial aid also.
Therefore, by reading this, what is your opinion of my chances for getting into PEA?</p>
<p>I don’t think you have a chance in hell. Only 99th percentile? Exeter expects at least 170th percentile from its applicants so that there writes you off.</p>
<p>If all of this info hasn’t been sugarcoated, I’d say you’re at least in the running. However, if I were on an adcom, I’d be suspicious of grade inflation because I know no one at my current private school who has never received a B or lower before. Also… how do you know your recs were excellent? The teachers really aren’t supposed to show you the recs they write - what they write is supposed to be solely between them and the adcom.</p>
i really am just hoping my recommendations are good and my teachers do like me.
i did not sugar coat any of this.
and i HAVEN’T received a B or lower before.
i want to know what my chances are, just because i at least want to be prepared if they are not very well.</p>
<p>so yes, you caught me.
i have no idea if my recommendations were good or not, but from the way that my teachers have supported me on this, I am fairly sure that they were good.</p>
<p>Well, to be honest, I don’t really see how much better they could look, at least on paper, but there are so many other factors to consider like your interview and essays. If these factors and your recs are as impressive as your stats look on paper, then you are definitely in the running. That’s not to say that you’re guaranteed a place as I am sure you well know; there are many other applicants with stats very, very similar to yours. But one thing is for sure - you are in the running.</p>
<p>oh i know that i might not make it, but even though they makes me extremely nervous, i am glad i am at least in the running.</p>
<p>oh, and i am also a student at a public high school.</p>
<p>I agree with you Tom. I consider myself lucky to be in one of the few Public Schools that really has not fell to Grade Inflation, curves are few and far between. Never getting a B means little to them (if you get a B your Rec. may or may not help you in that area if there are few people with As ie. APUSH with a tough teacher). </p>
<p>99th percentile SSAT is great but I think there was a release from Exeter that they consider anything >85% similar. I know someone with a 75% in Exeter as I know someone with a 99%; as Tom said you are in the running (That is ALL ALL ALL ALL anyone on CC can guarantee you, nothing more) but make sure you crack the interview and essays as those are a huge part of the process.</p>
<p>Yeah - it’s the most that any applicant can ask for, unfortunately.</p>
<p>It will be interesting to see the type of yield that Exeter and its peer schools exhibit this coming academic year.</p>
<p>alright, I just mentioned i have never gotten a B or lower before in this.
it was never mentioned in essays, interviews, or anything else.
only on this thread.</p>
<p>If your not a fake (no offense, but I think you are), then you have a very good chance</p>
<p>okay, i am not a fake, and thank you.</p>
<p>I would like to say that we can say someone has a good chance (what is the definition of good chance… >x%)…</p>
<p>We did our thing, the ONLY people who can determine who has a good chance and who is out are the officers.</p>
<p>also, would the same hold true for Phillips Andover Academy, because I also applied there.</p>
<p>People, people, people. Let’s get this right - PHILLIPS ACADEMY ANDOVER.</p>
<p>alright, i am done.
keep on grilling me about my being fake and switching up words.
i just wanted to know chances.</p>
<p>Phillips Andover Academy only looks at people with a 7.0 GPA and I think a 180% ssat, oh and you have to be a WASP
Phillips Academy Andover on the other hand is a little more lenient…</p>
<p>zoeiszero, don’t take it personally - tis the CC way. We always correct each other; welcome to the world of prep school applicants. We don’t mean it in a mean way at all and I’m sorry if you perceived my comment on your wording of Andover as insulting. It’s just that I think that if you are applying to the school you should probably know its name and not confuse it with the word order of its NUMBER ONE COMPETITOR’S name.</p>
<p>and i at least wrote on all of my essays Phillips Andover.
would that be all right?</p>
<p>alright, alright.
i am just nervous and now I am becoming even more nervous.</p>