Chances of getting into Plan II Honors?

<p>Hi! I am a Louisiana resident and I really want to get into Plan II at UT Austin... can anyone tell me what my chances are?</p>

<p>Rank: at least top 10% out of 55, school doesn't rank but I got accepted to UT almost immediately
National Merit Semi-Finalist
GPA: 4.0 unweighted
SAT: 800 CR, 670 M, 800 W
ACT: 34
Classes: All honors/AP
Essays: Strong, both had to do with academic/liberal arts experiences
ECs: Decent, am on Student Council, NHS officer, Weekly tutor, various other clubs
Recs: very strong
Misc: Summer internship at University research facility... I conducted my own study on the cognitive functions of chimpanzees.</p>

<p>Any feedback would be really helpful! Also, chances of getting a scholarship?</p>


<p>yea your gonna get in easily…and probably a scholarship is really likely even if it may not be much</p>

<p>i can haz more responses pleez? :)</p>