Chances of getting into some schools?

<p>I am a senior, and I was wondering if I had a chance to go to UCLA, Berkeley, Stanford, or any Ivy League.</p>

<p>Here are my grades:</p>

<p>9th Grade:
Algebra2/trig acc B/A
Biology B/A
english 1 acc B/A
(other classes were BS like health and CCP so I'm not even gonna post them)</p>

<p>10th grade:
AP European History A/A 5 on test
Precalculus Honors B/A
AP Biology A/A 5 on test
English 2 acc A/A
Chemistry A/A
Spanish 3 A/A</p>

<p>11th Grade:
AP Spanish 4 B/A 3 on test
AP Physics B A/A 5 on test
AP US History A/A 5 on test
AP Calc BC B/A 4 on test
AP Lang A/A 4 on test</p>

<p>12th grade:
AP Physics C A
AP STats A
AP SPanish 5 B
AP Literature A
AP Gov A</p>

<p>My UW gpa is 3.79, my weighted is 4.3
I am the president of the JDRF (JUvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) club at my school and we have raised thousands of dollars for our local chapter.
Can someone please give me an opinion of whether I can make it into those schools?
Thank you for the help, I'm really nervous about what colleges I can make it into.</p>