Chances of getting into Tech?

<p>I have a 570 math and 540 reading for SAT's so combines for 1110, have a 24 on the ACT, my GPA is about a 4.0 or 4.1, and my extracurriculars include field hockey for five years and being captain one year, key club, basketball team for 2 years, soccer team for 3 years, doing volunteer work through national honor society, and helping in service projects through my church. do I have good chances of getting in to Tech? its one of my top two choices</p>

<p>It really depends on where you are from. I was admitted to Virginia Tech with similar stats, but I came from a very small school in Southwest VA and a graduating class of 130, so it was an easy top 10%. I would have to say that if you are from NoVa then your chances are slim, because you have some heavy competition in that area like 4.0+ GPA and 1300+ SAT scores. I’m not sure if in-state or OOS hurt or help. I’ve heard both when it comes to VT admissions. Someone posted a reply on a thread a few months back with all of the admissions statistics for each college at VT. If I can find it, I’ll edit this post.</p>

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<p>I agree that it depends on the areas you live in. At most public universities, there is a quota system that they need to meet on accepting students from different areas. I came from a very small school in a very rural area with not too high of a GPA or SAT scores. I was accepted though. NOVA kids usually have a much harder time because of the huge population. People from areas with high populations that I know seem to have much higher grades/scores than people i know from smaller areas. Best of luck to you though. :)</p>