chances of getting into U. Miami?

<p>GPA: 98%
SAT: 1850
ACT: just took, didn't receive scores yet
SAT II: Also have not received scores yet
Dance for 14 years, has had various roles including leads
All honors all 4 Years, AP English 11 and 12, will be taking AP calc AB, AP psych, AP Spanish, and AP bio
National honor's society secretary

<p>Because of your high GPA (4.0UW converted?) I’d say you will probably get in, but if you want a scholarship I’d pull up your SAT.</p>

<p>Well that’s good to hear! I’m not really looking for a scholarship and also I will be a full paying student so if that important at all…</p>

<p>full paying doesn’t matter, admissions and financial aid work separately. </p>

<p>And you should be able to get in.</p>