Chances of getting into UCLA, Berkeley, UCSD, USC and Emory

<p>Hey guys,</p>

<p>Based on my GPA and rigor of classes, what do you say my chances are of getting into UCLA, Berkeley, UC San Diego, USC, and Emory? I know extra curriculars and the essay are important, but I'm not to worried about that right now. My major is either Communications or Sociology...haven't decided yet. I know for comm at UCLA, it's pretty hard to transfer into... I heard you have to have a 4.0 to get in. Unfortunately, I don't have a 4.0 anymore...but anyways, here's my info...please let me know what you guys think! it would be really helpful :)</p>

<p>GPA: 3.81</p>

<p>Psych 1 - A
Business 1 - A
American Art History - A
English 2 - B
Communications 1 - B
Psych 2 - A
Econ 1 - A
Statistics - A
Physics - A
Sociology - A
Counseling 20 - A
Speech 5 (Interpersonal Comm) - A
Political Science 1 - A</p>

<p>If you do communications then you aren’t in at UCLA… Especially with a B in Comm 1.</p>

<p>Keep your grades up, keep your rigor up and you should have a good chance at all the schools you mentioned. (Except for Emory… I am not familiar with that school.)</p>

<p>Yeah that’s what I thought too about UCLA… is it possible to declare my major as Sociology on the UCLA app and then change it to Comm if I do get in?
Thanks for the help…</p>

<p>By the way, I’m a transfer student from a community college.</p>

<p>Out of curiosity, what draws you to Emory? As you may know it’s in Georgia situated amongst a very different culture and surroundings than that of the UCs. Of course you may already know that and may actually want a change of scenery, but do know that academically speaking, UCLA/Berkeley are as good if not better than Emory.</p>

<p>I agree. I’ve always considered the business program at Emory but to be honest with you, I’m only applying there because it’s the only school I liked (besides NYU) on the eastcoast. I wanted to apply to at least a couple east coast schools because I may want to leave California later. I’ve considered MIT as well, but I believe I have a very slim chance of getting in… doesn’t hurt to apply though…</p>

<p>no u can’t switch from sociology to comm if u get into ucla…i was accepted to comm. u need at least a 3.9 to get accepted</p>