Chances of getting into UNCW?

<p>I'm applying early action and I have a 2.8 unweighted GPA and 3.3 weighted. I've taken all honors core classes in my 4 years of high school, never making below a C. I passed my AP Language exam with a 4 and I'm taking AP Lit next semester. I'm currently dual enrolled in the community college where I take graphic design courses the second half of the day. I'm an AIG student and in the arts academy at school. My courses for this year:</p>

<p>Bible History (Easy A)
Pre-Calculus Honors (Mostly B's)
Computer Design Basics
Computer Design Tech I</p>

<p>Art 4 Honors
AP Literature
Computer Design Tech II
Illustrative Imaging
Multimedia Design I</p>

Key Club
National Art Honors Society</p>

<p>SAT: 1710
520 Math
580 Verbal
610 Writing
I may retake it in December</p>

<p>I'm in the top 15% of my class out of 365 students.</p>

<p>I hate doing these things because I feel like I sound awfully conceited, but I'm hoping for a little reassurance. I know my GPA isn't very high, but I'm hoping I might get deferred instead of rejected so it will be a little higher by next semester. I'm also applying to NC State, Appalachian State, and UNCG.</p>

<p>Hey thats my first choice as well!</p>