GPA (freshman through junior year): 3.525 (unweighted) 3.625 (weighted). My GPA freshman year was 3.07, but I had a significant upward trend. My weighted GPA was 4.0 junior year.
ACT: 30 (superscores to 31)
For the 5 extracurriculars and awards you can mention, I chose Cross Country and Track, Rock Climbing over the Summer after junior year, Foreign Language Department Award at my school for French, Math Department Award at my school, and Key Club.
My essay was good. I wrote about a physical condition I’ve dealt with and how I coped with it throughout high school.
For the diversity question, I mentioned growing up in the Bible Belt as a liberal Atheist.
Also, I’m Out of State.
What do you think my chances of getting in are?
Oh, I forgot to mention that I’m applying for the school of Arts and Sciences.
Thanks for all the help guys.
Your overall GPA is a little low, but if you pull out the freshman year, your GPA is higher. The sophomore and junior years count the most and the weighted GPA should be close to 4.0, say 3.9. Your ACT score is on target.
So what would you say my chances of admission are?
Out of state is the hard part. I suspect the stats for out of state are higher than the general admission stats. But, you are also not yet another Californian and not trying for engineering.
I’d say it’s a low reach school for you.
I was thinking that too. I’m from Alabama, which may give me a slight advantage over other out of state students (may be wishful thinking). I’m applying for the political science major, which isn’t a competitive major from what I hear. I think the physical disability I wrote my essay about is the main reason for my below average GPA. Hopefully they’ll take that into consideration when reviewing my application.