Chances of getting into UW Madison

Freshmen Year
Weighted GPA- 3.500 AP Human Geography (2 B’s), Algebra 2 (2 C’s), Physics (2 B’s), English 9 (2 A’s), Health (A), Physical Ed (A), Engineering (2 A’s), Spanish 1 (1 B) (1 C)
Unweighted GPA-3.214
Student Ambassador, Debate, Congress, 200 hours of community service, Published Essay, In program at UW Madison

Sophomore Year
Weighted- 4.285 AP U.S. History 2, Honors English 10, Geometry, Acting, Biology, PLTW, Spanish 2.
Unwighted- 4.0 (All A’s)
Class Rank- 3 of 116
Published 3 essay’s, student ambassador, High School Announcer, Track and Field, NHS, Leadership Program, In program at UW Madison

Junior Year (Ending 1st semester)
Weighted - 4.4 AP Macroeconomics (B), AP Calculus AB (B), AP Psychology (A), AP Capstone Seminar (A), AP English (A), Chemistry (A), Spanish 3 (A)
Unweighted- 3.71
Class Rank- 3 of 116
National Honor’s Society President, Student Council Vices President, 2 different leadership programs, Member of the Black Student Union, High School Announcer, In Program at UW Madison
PSAT score 1060, ACT score 25.

I’m really trying to get into UW-Madison to get this 5 year tuition paid off. I’m a resident in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Any more suggestions to boost my review? I will be the first generation in my family to go to college as well.
Is this a great review of my 3 years into high school? I’m interested in majoring in Risk Management and Insurance.
Will I be a good applicant? If you were an admission counselor at UW Madison, would you consider me for acceptance? Waiting List? Also, will they look at my AP classes I took, because I could have gotten a 4.0, without having those AP. Will they see I challenged myself?

The ACT score might be a problem since their average is around a 28

That’s what I’m concerned about. I don’t know what else to do. I studied and took classes to raise the act, but I don’t know if it’s going any higher.

Apply for the Chancellor’s Scholarship program next year after you submit your UW-Madison application.

What does this mean?

I am in this program that if you get accepted into madison, they will pay for your tuition up to 5 years. And thanks, I will apply.

@Cool7364 Don’t give up on your ACT yet. Keep practicing and retaking. My son got a 25 three times in a row (sadly). He always had one or two high scores, but then others would drop. He finally ended up with a 27 - still below the 28 average, but closer. You have plenty of time. Your other stats/info look terrific!!

Ok, thanks. I’m trying my hardest.

And I knew just junior year was going to be the most important that’s why I decided to challenge myself with 5 AP classes, instead of none.

Posters-remember that the only the middle 50% falls into the posted range-1/4 of students will be below that. If you are black you will be considered an underrepresented minority. You also have shown hard work. This year hopefully you are continuing to challenge yourself and doing well.

Thanks @wis75. I’m trying to work as hard as possible to do everything I need to do to be a well rounded student. I will continue trying hard, because those 5 AP classes is not joke. It’s stressful. I’m looking forward as a senior to take college classes at college to show I’m a hard worker, determined to do above and beyond.

URM and first gen. seem to be significant hooks for UW-Madison. Your GPA seems fine and is definitely in the right direction. The fact that you are challenging yourself will look great to the Adcom. You are still a junior, correct? There is time to get that ACT up a bit and that can only help your chances for admission and scholarship. Even one point will make a difference. Try to get ahold of new practice tests and practice under timed conditions.

You sound very determined and that will undoubtedly come through to the admissions committee. Good luck to you!

Thanks @JBStillFlying.

Do NOT take college classes just to improve your resume. Take ones that satisfy your intellectual/educational needs. If your HS version is too easy for you or no comparable class is offered at your HS that is the time to spend time going away from the HS. Many top students can get good preparation for top UW classes in their HS.

Ok @wis75 Thanks for all your advice. This really helped.

Your ACT is a bit low, but you are in-state, so I think you probably will get in… but it is not guaranteed. Your GPA is decent and your class rank is impressive.

I do not know whether, or to what degree, UW-Madison considers URM or first-gen status. If they do, those things will help.

Good luck on becoming a Badger.

UW-Madison is not a safety for you, so make sure you apply to some less-selective schools that you like and can afford, just in case UW says “No”.

Ok, thanks @prezbucky. Do you have any other recommendations for me? Do you think taking college classes at an university will be helpful, and impressive. I think I’m going to be class rank 2. Will that be even more impressive, with that GPA. That tells that this school is ridiculously diffcult.

Taking college classes while you are in high school will boost the “course rigor” variable of your application. they will also see any AP courses you took and be impressed by those. Finally, yes, if your unweighted GPA is 3.71 and your class rank is top-3% (3 out of 116…), that should convey the difficulty of the school and of the courses you took.

Ok @prezbucky. Thanks for your help. I’m really hoping I get in.

I think you should, but like I said, find other options you like and can afford, and apply to them too.