Chances of Getting Into Virginia Tech

What are my chances of getting accepted:
3.4 gpa, 1800 SAT, 200+ community service hours *I am also in the stem program at my school

Ap’s: Ap chem. Ap gov, Ap physics, Ap human geo, Ap calc, Ap Lang, Ap Bio, Ap organic chemistry

Cross country
Journalism (editor)
Model United Nations
Environmental Club
Dance Team
Recycling Club (president)

Also should I apply for early action or regular admission? Does it matter? Also my race is asian, does that play a roll?

your chances are pretty good and definitely do early decision if VT is your first choice!

If Tech is your first choice and you are not concerned about Financial Aid, then apply Early Decision. It is generally more competitive in the Early Decision round, especially for Engineering.

Being Asian will not play a role, since it is not considered an underrepresented minority.

@financiallylost Why is it more competitive in the early decision round? Shouldn’t I just apply regular decision then because if there’s a lot of competition I probably don’t have a good chance. :l
Thanks for you help btw :slight_smile:

@indian098 Tech is an Early Decision school, not Early Action. The difference is that you PLEDGE to attend Tech if you are offered admission and must withdraw all other applications the moment you are notified of the favorable decision. Most of the advisors on here say not to apply anywhere Early Decision if you need financial aid. You will want to see the FA offers from all your schools before making a commitment. You can apply Regular Decision before November 1 if you feel applying early will give you a boost. Good luck.

I’ve heard a rumor that if you apply early then you get less chance for scholarships compared to the people that applied regular due to the fact that you’re already committed to go to VT. Is this true?

not true. the scholarship and financial aid process just doesn’t start that early so there is no way of knowing what you would get. if its a concern you should probably wait for regular decision.

From our experience, regular decision is a safer bet. Your stats are okay, but not very competitive. With so many APs, your weighted GPA should be higher. Try to have a really outstanding senior year; it will make a difference in the RD round. Also, carefully consider your major/department, because your chances for admission will vary based on that. Know, too, that VT’s RD notifications come out somewhat late in the year (late March). Race won’t play any role.

Take a little bit more time to work on your GPA. I am a Virginia Tech student, and most students here had a 3.8+. However, I definitely encourage you to apply!