Chances of getting into VT engineering.

<p>Gpa: 3.86(W) 3.85(UW)
ACT: 26
EC: 300 community service hours,1 year of tennis, 1 year of soccer, 1 year of FBLA, and English student of the month.</p>

<p>Thank you for your help.</p>

<p>You need to do two things:</p>

<p>1) Increase that ACT score. That score doesn’t really stand out, focus especially on the math and science areas.
2) Take more AP and honors classes, based on the comparison of your weighted and unweighted GPA, it doesn’t seem like you’re taking many.</p>

<p>VT doesn’t care much about EC’s and LoR’s. Just GPA & exam scores. Your GPA is just below average for the overall accepted at VT, and the overall accepted stats are definitely going to be lower than the stats for those accepted to engineering. Hard to change GPA, so like ymon said, you should definitely aim at increasing that ACT score - a lot.</p>

<p>Try the SAT. Some people do better on one format or the other. You’ll want to hit well into the 600 level on all areas. For Eschool push the math up to 700, even better. You are not considered below 600 M/CR. You may get offered admission to VT with the possibility to transfer to the Eschool, but frankly if you are not getting A’s in HS it will be a tall order in college.
With the ACT, look past the composit to the section scores. Did you score closer to a 30 in Math and Science but your English grade just killed you? This is important to know. I’m not sure if VT superscores the ACT. If they do. When you retest focus on the area that killed you.
Lastly, if you are OOS you will have a harder time. VT admits more instate students (65/45% roughly?).</p>