<p>I agree…but I hope you also agree, just because you joined doesn’t mean you contributed to a significant level. Many kids join clubs to use as FODDER.</p>
<p>Unfortunately it is, it has been and it will be. Nobody is blaming anyone for not being in a conference/legistlature, My DD is in Young-Life…it is a church related organization, she has attended summer camp and has been on the board. Is it the equivalent of Praise Team…I don’t know! Do you? Does UVA?</p>
<p>All I am saying is you can be on a lot of clubs with no position and not be seen as positively as the person who has a position.</p>
<p>Absolutely. However, when you are a HS student you have no idea what the difference is, and the admissions board understands that aspect. HOWEVER, they do understand that the position of President of SADD or KEY or BOOSTERs or anything else will force you to have a better control of time mgmt, to maintain your grades, than just the kid who shows up for the 45 min. meeting 1x a month. </p>
<p>Why do you think they will take an athlete (i.e. golf, tae-kwon do, volleyball) with the same gpa or slighlty lower? They do it because athletes, train for months at a time spending 20-30 hrs a week after school and still manage a high gpa.</p>
<p>Do you actually believe that the admission office does not see umpteen applicants with Booster, Key, Habitat for Humanity, SADD volunteer and can’t realize that this person is just putting volunteer filler in the folder?</p>
<p>Finally, I have lived in VT, CA, NM, NC, AK, VA, KS, PA, and NJ in the past 20 yrs, plus England…I have never heard of a Praise team until today. Than again I never heard of Young Life until NC…I am not saying that it is not known, but to say as you imply that it is reknown like the model UN is inane…go and ask any high school kid anywhere in the nation do you know what the Model UN is and if their school has one, I bet the majority does.</p>