Chances of going to brown???

<p>Okay so I'm a middle-class white girl (sucks, doesn't it?).
I'm a two-time state qualifying track runner, president of student council, senior leader for a big leadership event at school, Employee at a retirement home.
ACT: 34
I haven't taken the SAT yet but my PSAT scores qualified me for the Nation Merit thing.
CR: 710
Math: 750
Writing: 660</p>

<p>I'm also a member of the Screen Actors Guild and have been since 1998 for voice acting on commercials and whatnot. </p>

<p>Brown is my dream school. I don't want any sugar coated answers. I value honesty:)</p>

<p>What’s your GPA?</p>

<p>unweighted it’s 4.98 on a 5 point scale. i got one b. it was an 89% in physics. ■■■.
but weighted it’s like 5.7 i think</p>

<p>bump bump bump</p>

<p>You didn’t really go into too much detail about your ECs (are you being recruited for track?), but you ACT score/GPA are pretty good. Your SAT could use some improvement over your PSAT-- did you take any SAT II tests? If you give us more insight into your resume, we can give you more accurate chances at Brown.</p>