Chances of Int'l Student---Help requested

<p>here’s my current stats
I am an international student going to my senior in an international christian school in indonesia. i will graduate in 2006. The school i attend is really small (total 70 students). Being a small school there arent many oppurtunities. No AP courses, no clubs and only 2 sports teams</p>


<p>3.678/4.0 GPA
enrolled in the most competitive courses that my school has to offer
class rank–does not rank, but i think around 5 or 6/20
SAT I taken in nov 2004 w/o prep- 690 Math, 590 Verbal plan to take again in oct–expect 2000+ Math-770+
SAT II- Chem-660, plan to take again in nov, confident that i can do much better, 720+, also plan on taking MATH II C in nov.
AP’s- AP Chem May 05 taken w/o AP course, plan on taking Calc AB course in school and plan on AP Bio–w/o taking AP course</p>

<p>EC/other things
played tennis for 3 years at a local club
school Math Champion
participated in a musical drama
taken Level 1 keyboarding exam in music, plan on taking level 2
community service at old people’s home…etc–120+ hrs
hospital volunteer work–100+hrs
organized several fund raisers for my class
incharge of the school snack shop</p>

<p>I would like to know my chances at UCSD for BME , and plz remember that I live in Indonesia where there are almost no oppurtunities for research work and things like that. </p>

<p>I would also like to know how to improve my resume, and the minimum SAT scores that i would need</p>


<p>looks good</p>