Chances of me getting into purdue CS

Hi I’m having a bad feeling about this, as the admissions decision will certainly be out tomorrow. What are my chances of getting into Purdue Cs Major class of 2024 with these stats:

IB Predicted : 34/45

SAT : 1320

TOEFL : 85

Intern at a financial technology company in the IT dept
Intern at a data science company
Making an android study app
Building houses for poor ppl
Teaching poor kids
Participating in a robotics workshop
Taking a robotics elective in grade 9

I don’t think I’m gonna make it lol coz if I tried converting my IB to GPA I’d only end up with 3.02

I got into Purdue CS.
Predicted IB score: 44/45
Sat: 1410

No ECs

@applicant098 Congratz.

Update: Got deferred btw