Chances of me getting to UCD?

<p>currently 1st year in UCI, so I'll be sophomore next year.
Fall 08 GPA:2.11
Major: Biomedical Engineering:Premed, deciding to change to Mechanical Engineering/Aero space engineering
I have to update my grades into the status application. Do I have to update my SAT or ACT? Are they going to look at my winter and spring quarter? (because I hope they do, 2.11 is kind of low) Chances I'll get in? </p>

<p>Also do you know if all my units will be transferred into Davis? or does some classes at UCI isn't accepted for Davis?
Thank you</p>

<p>a) it’s harder to transfer from UC to UC
b) it’s harder to transfer as a sophomore
c) your GPA it’s pretty terrible, and there’s no reason (for them) to assume you’ll do better, as i’m sure you’ve promised.</p>

<p>don’t be surprised at a rejection.
try again when transferring as a junior, having shown improvement and raised your GPA.</p>

<p>good luck.</p>


second that</p>

<p>What if I put on my application status that I’m going to make up two of my classes, would that help? possible GPA output might be around 2.7</p>

<p>sorry to hijack your thread, but I am ALSO a freshman (at ucsc) and applying to UCD as a sophomore transfer. would anyone care to chance me?</p>

<p>GPA: 4.0
including 3 courses I took at a CCC (A, A, A) and my fall quarter (A, A, A+)
SAT from HS (1780)
ACT from HS (28)
in Model UN, Global Leadership and Development club
talked about wanting to major in International Relations at UCD which UCSC does not offer</p>


A 2.7 is very different from a 2.1 so it may definitely help. Although honestly I think your best bet is going to be sticking around another year and bring your grades up if you can a little above a 3.0</p>

<p>Please review the information at [UC</a> Davis : Requirements in the College of Engineering](<a href=“Undergraduate Admissions | UC Davis”>Undergraduate Admissions | UC Davis) for the full list of requirements for transfer into the engineering programs. As students with less than 90 quarter transferable units the transfer will be difficult.</p>