Chances of MIT, Stanford, Berkeley, etc.

<p>If the world is fair, you should get into Stanford for sure. Chinese males need more love in this world!!</p>

<p>berkeley out of state i would say is never a safety</p>

<p>you're qualified for whatever school you apply. you seem dedicated to what you do. just apply and see what happens =)</p>

<p>Haha, rooster :D</p>

<p>Thanks for the comments everyone. I plan to work on that sucky SAT :P and need to start writing teh essays!</p>

<p>I just have a question</p>

<p>IUPUI Physics Summer Internship: June 2004 to August 2004. Developed a program using object-oriented programming to analyze, process, and display data from an atomic force microscope.</p>

<p>So you basically got some input, used java or C++ to write a program? Lol are you actually going to write "used object-oriented programming"? Sorry, not trying to sound rude, but why use "object oriented programming" and not C++ or whatever? If I were an officer, it would sound like I was inflating me accomplishments. Just wondering...</p>

<p>It was just a direct copy and paste from my Curriculum Vitae. I actually used LabView, guess I forgot to specify. The program takes the raw data from an AFM and converts it to a viewable format and allows the user to save it, nothing spectacular though :P</p>

<p>Haha dude I'm just giving you a hard time =P. Your EC's are good imo.</p>

<p>You go to Carmel? The swimmers are amazing there. They are some of our teams biggest rivals. Sorry, totally off topic, but you don't see people from Indiana on here much.</p>

<p>Your stats are impressive, but there are thousands of other asians who look almost identical on paper. Your best bet is to write an essay that shows the unique qualities you can add to the school. Good luck!</p>

<p>Pssh, Gunn owned carmel.</p>

<p>Who or what is Gunn?</p>

<p>Gunn high school, where I swim, lol. Hmm, I thought that we swam against Carmel, maybe I was wrong...</p>

<p>Nevermind, this is Carmel in Indiana, not California.</p>

<p>MIT:Reach (reach for everyone!!)
Berkeley:Reach out of state, match/safety instate
Carnegie Mel: match</p>

<p>The following is unrelated, but necessary:</p>

<p>Carmel sucks, North Central rules!</p>

<p>Haha Gor, you wish ;)</p>

<p>em what school do you goto?</p>

<p>Our swim team is pretty strong. But our girls' soccer is one of the top in the nation :o</p>

<p>Keep the critiques coming guys! Thanks a ton!</p>

<p>With the exception of CMU, they're all reaches. If you were instate at Cal you could call it a safety, but oos and EECS makes it just as much, if not more, of a reach then the other schools. Its just a crapshoot.</p>

<p>Sorry, but NC is WAY better. You Carmel people wouldn't understand....</p>

<p>By the way, do you know Charles Tam?</p>

<p>Haha, and yes, I do know Charlie</p>

<p>imo, your shot at MIT isn't particularly good. Your stats seem to be basically average for that school (and since you're an unhooked male asian, the average acceptance rate is probably around 5%.) So you need to have a very good SAT score (yeah, a perfect would be good, altough it's very tough to go from about 700-level on verbal to 800.) </p>

<p>Your main selling point is your research. If you present this in a very positive light, you might have success with the adcoms. Still, overall chances are not "match-like" (as in you're probably around 20%.)</p>

<p>Hehehe...I went to middle school and part of HS with Chuck. When I was first reading your profile, I thought you were him. Then I got to the Carmel bit...</p>

<p>go to the MIT subboard if you wanna get answers from people who have an idea of how the admissions process works. ben jones- an admissions officer at MIT- frequents the board and a lot of current students and rising MIT freshmen are there ready to provide their views and some advice. I personally think that you have a fair chance at admission to MIT. your stats are somewhat average for a math-oriented applicant, so my best advice would be to focus on ur interview and essay to show MIT that you have a good personality- or at least one that would "fit" on the MIT campus. and dont be worried about ur SAT score. MIT only considers it in the first round of admissions (to see if ur academically-qualified (i.e. in school)) and then it holds no more weight. i was accepted with a 1500 and i know many applicants who were accepted with much less than that. Just show you have a passion for something and that you pursue it- whether it be through research, reading, building, or whatever. hope that helps</p>

<p>p.s.- if you want, i can give u my email address in case u want advice or anything. just leave a reply on this thread and ill give it to you when i get a chance. oh yeah, and im a white male (which i believe has a similar acceptance rate compared to asian males). yeah, it would help if you were an underrepresented minority, but that cant be changed, so there's no point in worrying about it.</p>