Chances of my schedule getting me into UC San Diego

Hi :slight_smile:
So I like really want to get into UC San Diego, and this whole college admissions thing is kinda daunting. Mainly I am just wondering if you guys think that with my past, current and planned hs schedule I could get in.

Freshman year:
Math 2 advanced
Freshman ss requirement (basically just health)
English 1 advanced
World history @ community college (2 semesters)

Sophomore year:
AP Chemistry
AP environmental science
Math 3 (no advanced for math 3)
English 2 honors

Precalc @ community college (1 semester)
Spanish @ community college (1 semester, counts for 2 yrs)

Junior year:
AP Calculus ab
AP biology
AP lang
Ap stats
Us history @ community college (2 semesters)

Senior year:
Calc 2 and multi variable calculus @ community college (2 semesters)
Physics @ community college (2 semesters count for AP physics 1)
AP lit
AP Music Theory
Econ @ community college (1 semester)
Gov @ community college (1 semester)

So yeah pls help me!!! Thank you so much! Any advice on schedule changes and/or college chances is needed!

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Your grades in these courses matter a LOT more than just a list of courses.

What year are you in high school now. And what were your grades in these courses?

I will say…I don’t see foreign language listed in your courses…did I miss that? Many colleges recommend at least two to three years of high school foreign language. Did you take that?

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HS course rigor is Very important for all the UC’s but no one criteria is evaluated in a vacuum. For the UC’s, you need to take challenging classes and do well in these classes. You need to meet and exceed the UC A-G course requirements which are listed in the link below.

I agree with @thumper1 I do not see any Foreign Language courses? 2 years are required and 3 years recommended.

I suggest you look over this discussion thread for more information regarding UCSD and what they look for in their admissions review:

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@thumper1 @Gumbymom

This is the only foreign language. OP, are you certain that one semester equals 2 years? Usually one semester of CC is equal to one year (although maybe this is different for foreign language?). Regardless, I think this is a weakness in your otherwise strong courses.

What is your UC GPA?

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I thought that 1 semester at a CC equaled one year of Spanish? Where did you go, that they gave you, two years of credit? I couldn’t learn the grammar of Spanish or any other language in only 1 summer semester of CC.

@QueenTarzanofCanadia if this screen name is your real name, I would strongly urge you to change it asap. Here is how.

Sorry missed the CC Spanish Class.

@aunt_bea @worriedmomucb

According to the A_G course website:

College courses
Grade of C or better in any transferable course(s) (excluding conversation) held by the college to be equivalent to two years of high school language. Many colleges list the prerequisites for their second course in language as “Language 1 at this college or two years of high school language.” In this case, Language 1 clears both years of the requirement.

To be competitive, the majority of applicants will exceed the A-G course requirements. Average # of A-G courses by semester for admitted UCSD applicants was around 54 for 4 years which is 13.5 semesters/year. Minimum requirement is 15 year long or 30 semesters of A-G courses.


And thank you for adding in that foreign language course. I do think you need to check with UC San Diego to be sure that this satisfies their requirement for applicants. And I do agree…three years would be better than two. Remember that a LOT of applicants will have three years of FL as that is the recommendation. Two is required, but really for college purposes…you want to take what is recommended.

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Do you also have three or four years of social studies as part of your course of study?

Many many colleges recommend four years each of sciences, math, English, social studies, and up to level 3 at least of HS foreign language.

What year are you in high school NOW?

Thanks everyone!
I will definitely talk to my counselor about doing another semester of language.
Your help has been invaluable!

What year in high school have you finished?

@QueenTarzanofCanadia what major are you considering? @gumbymom can give the specifics, but some majors are likely impacted at UCSD.

Also…your GPA matters way more than your list of courses….way more. (Except that you have to meet the minimum required to apply)

It matters a lot about the major you choose. Engineering or science major will need math and science courses above and beyond the minimum A-G courses. What major do you plan to apply to UCSD?

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OP never returned after their first post.

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