Chances of nursing school

I will be a senior in highschool this fall and I haven’t really put any importance on college until now. I kind of slacked off the most of highschool. I have minimal extra curriculars, my unweighted gpa is a 3.8 (I think) and I took all entry classes, only 1 Ap. Do I even have a chance at ANY nursing school or did I wait too long?? Any advice helps, Thank you!

Do you want to get a BSN? Or a shorter program, like an LPN or RN? What state do you live in?

There are plenty of colleges, at least here in Pennsylvania, that will accept you into a BSN program if your SAT/ACT scores are commensurate with your 3.8 GPA and you have taken a good mix of college prep courses, including biology, chemistry, and math through algebra 2 and geometry. What are your scores? How much can your family afford to pay per year without taking out loans?

Depending on what area you’re in you’ll need a BSN to get hired anywhere besides a nursing home so look into direct entry BSN programs. If that doesn’t work out there are community colleges where you can take the prerequisites for the nursing program. I’m a respiratory therapist and in my program were lots of students who started college with super basic courses in math and writing and worked up to the program requirements and were able to graduate from the program. I had classes with prenursing students as well.