Chances of successful transfer (from UWM)?

<p>I'm looking to apply for the spring semester and am wondering what my chances are of getting accepted given these circumstances:</p>

<p>I'm a third-year at UWM with a GPA of 3.3 that's been fairly stagnant, floating around 3.3-3.4 (despite my having dropped a course (and getting myself a 'w') and failing a one credit course (who fails a one credit course?... lol), both of which happened in my freshman year, and both of which I can't re-take). </p>

<p>My intended major is Japanese and I am sure I would have no problems being accepted (with a GPA of 3.910 in the required courses; minimum is 3.0), and I have joined quite a bit of clubs and done quite a bit of volunteer work with an organization on campus. I also had a part-time job for three weeks before quitting for various reasons, which I included in one of my personal statements.</p>

<p>My personal statements are solid and I believe I have answered the prompts as well as I could, including things that affected me negatively academically, my background, talents and reflections of high school and college (with a larger emphasis on college). </p>

<p>I have one good potential letter of recommendation from a professor who I've had for one whole year and taught a course relevant to my intended major, though I am unsure of who else to ask to write a letter of recommendation.</p>

<p>The only upper level courses I've taken (does upper level mean 200 and up?) are for my foreign language classes (two), english (one), math (one) and linguistics (two), which might be considered a low number, which worries me.</p>

<p>I'm also worried about how bad the w and F will affect my chances of getting into the UW, and whether or not my GPA is good enough.</p>

<p>For funsies, I pulled an awful high school GPA of 2.7, nearly failing my senior year, and a meh ACT score of 26, not sure if they would really take that into consideration, but I added it just in case.</p>

<p>Thank you for your time.</p>

<p>You do realize you will need to complete 60 (?) credits at UW-Madison, don’t you? Don’t worry about your HS credentials, your college record counts. Relax and enjoy your summer once you’ve submitted all required application materials. You should get in.</p>

<p>Thank you for your response, wis75. I do realize that and I don’t think it should be that big a deal. Thank you for your advice, I’ll try my best and keep my fingers crossed.</p>