Chances of transferring into Binghamton University for Fall of 2018?

Major: Computer Science
HS GPA 83.7(UW) Regents Diploma
SAT (Superscored); 1190, Math 620 and Writing 570
SUNY Purchase College GPA (13.55 credits): 3.02 with a B+ in Calculus
Mid way through community college and have solid As in Graphic Design and Writing, mid Bs in Chem and Calculus 2

I applied to them when I was a freshman in HS but got denied, what are my chances and do you have any tips to help me? I was planning on adding a essay and I already submitted a Zeeme account (it was an optional profile website you can use in the application process)

I applied Computer Science and I got in with a GPA 3.55(46 credits)

Did you write the essay?

Yeah, I actually just submitted it, I more or less talked about when I was younger and my adventure into learning to build my first computer and working with different programming applications. That and I talked about the reasoning why I chose Bing

I don’t think the essay will factor much into the admissions. You need a least 3.2 GPA to get in CS program at Bing.

Dosnt their website say that a 3.2 is prefered not needed? Plus they did say that good standing in Calculus 1 and 2 is heavily recomended? I got a B+ in my first semester, the only reason im at a 3.02 is because of a C+ in Bio besides that I have a A in microecon as well, I feel like they would consider more besides I slight lower GPA because of a lower score in a Gen Ed class

Plus if they were to send out a progress report wouldnt that help? if I were to calculate my grades as they stand now I would have a 3.6 to 3.7 GPA

A 3.2 is recommended mean they want the student has a minimum 3.2, yes, below 3.0 is acceptable but is rare I think since Watson is very competitive. If they asked you the mid-term report, that means you have a chance of getting in, it’s a good sign! Are you currently taking Cal 2 and some programming class(es)?

I am taking Calculus 2 but I am not taking any CS classes… not because I don’t want to, but, Binghamton dosn’t accept any college or AP programming courses unless they go towards free electives. Also I don’t have below a 3.0… I think you meant to say 3.2? But yeah I hope they do request a progress report, I will be sending out my high school transcripts today (all last week my high school was closed for break)

Update to this thread, I didnt make it

I am sorry to hear :frowning: