<pre><code> Hi folks, I'm new here and this is my first post. So im 23 I just want to see what you guys think and ill try to make it as short as possible. My high school GPA in Virginia (at a top ranked HS) was worthless like a 2.8 before senior year when i got a 3.5 and I think i got like an 1140 on my SAT or something unimpressive. However the sob story is that I got so sick my freshmen year with an autoimmune problem that I was literally bubble boy and couldn't attend freshmen year and had to stop playing soccer where i was on the state team and a top 10 nationally ranked club team. Came back on all sorts of medications and basically was so fatigued and stick blah blah blah it sucked, its a super rare thing and Johns Hopkins was treating it due to its rarity. Anyways I graduated in 09 and went to CC and ended up getting a 3.67 (out of 17 credits) but had a bunch of withdrawals due to be too sick to complete the full course-load i stupidly tried to take on each semester. Anyways after a few semesters there I got more sick and had to have chemo, did that and than drove across the US to Sacramento California and started a new life...got focused on school & health and what not but than needed more chemo (now 6 rounds total but seem to be "cured") and have a 3.75-3.8 (out of 25 credits with 1 W on my record from my first semester still recovering on chemo and took an Architecture history class that i just could not for the life of me understand) and after the summer ill have my math credit which i can promise will be an A. I'm in the Phi Beta Kappa honors society (basically the community college version of national honors)
So thats that...now below is kinda where im hoping it will help. I have Legacy at MSU from my mother, grandmother, grandfather, and great-grandfather (also my father attended, but transferred to Cornell, however that is where he met my mother and aparently my uncle got a 2 year degree there for being an electrician) I can get wicked letters of recommendation from Dept heads and long term professors as well as the Dean Emeritus of a large prominent university in VA and a retired VA State Supreme Court Justice. As far as extra curricular (considering I had what was a promising soccer career cut short) I play chess (member of us chess federation or whatever its called) and am taking flying lessons for my civilian license and for what its worth was a Lead cast member of a independent film shot last summer (lol I have an IMBD and everything but I'm a terrible actor) And lastly, not sure if it even counts anymore but I was born in Turkey and got my citizenship as a baby, however technically I can claim to be Asian and Muslim at the same time....but like as lame as it sounds ill be asian or muslim or whatever anybody wants if i can just get a shot somewhere to show ME, i dunno if those things matter anymore but growing up people always told me it was valuable to be in some minority class or whatever im not trying to be like THAT guy but i figure its worth mentioning. Anyways if you have taken the time to read this i appreciate it considering this is literally the first time i have ever put anything like this on paper and so i guess ill conclude with the forum title "What are my Chances?" Thanks and sorry for being so long winded....and dont pull any punches please, iv got thick skin and been through some...stuff...so i can take it when it comes to an Internet forum ;)
<p>I guess ill add that the classes i have completed are: College Comp I & II, History of Western Civ I & II, Spanish I, Cultural anthropology: Study of Native Peoples of California, History of World Religions, Sociology, Film History, Ethics, Philosophy, Biological Anthropology + Lab, and Public Speaking (not trying to major in anthro just happened to be classes open and seemed interesting, which it is) Ok, thats it. 40 Credits in total…technically 41 i took a college skills course for 1 credit mandated by first CC)</p>
<p>I would imagine that you have a good shot at admittance if you explain your poor academic performance in detail. Don’t both with getting letters of recommendations from famous or powerful people if you don’t know them very, very well; it carries no weight. Only get letters from teachers and individuals you’ve known well for years. </p>