Chances of Transferring?

Hello! I am hoping to transfer to U of Alabama in the Fall. I am in my first year of CC. I currently have a 3.0. By the end of the spring semester I will have at least a 3.0. I don’t want to use my HS information because it isn’t good. I know the website says a minimum of 2.0 for transfer. Do you think I’ll be admitted with a 3.0?

Thanks! Roll Tide!!!

Your chances are pretty good. I was just admitted (for the Distance Program) and my college GPA is right around a 2.0. But my last 43 hours were a 4.0, with a 34 ACT That I took last year. They didn’t ask for my HS information or AP scores until the end, but they have not received them yet. So you might not need to worry about that