Chances on getting in?

<p>Hi, I am a senior this year and Harvard is one of my dream schools.. However my scores aren't good..</p>

<p>SAT- R (620) M (600) W (600) (Total: 1880)
SAT II- Biology (590) Literature (570) Math (650)
Rank: 6/388
Specialty Center: International Baccaulareate
GPA: 4.402 (weighted) </p>

<p>EC: LOTS AND LOTS OF CLUBS.. President of World Culture Club & the Drama Club, Varsity Tennis, National Honor Society (Historian), SCA, Junior Class Council, Interact, IB Connected Officer ( An IB Club mentouring club I founded)</p>

<p>-Volunteer Elemtary School Mentour </p>

<p>I have Awards and I won a playwriting contest this summer that had my play performed professionally (8 out of 250 students won) and revised with professional playwright Cassandra Medley...</p>

<p>Ethnicity: African American (Female)
I know Harvard currently has this minority recruitment program so that should help..</p>

<p>I'm retaking both SAT tests so we'll see how that goes, but how do I look right now? I can write a mean essay as well!</p>

<p>Aside from all Internation Baccaulaureate classes, my electives this year are Theatre 4 and AP Calculus... I also took my first AP class as a sophomore which is rare at my school</p>

<p>Typo on my part... 660 in the writing.</p>

<p>you have a good shot just like everyone else, but sat scores hurt ya. n what is ure unweighted gpa?
your minority status might help, but you gotta remember there are tons of qualified minority applicants that apply to harvard every year.</p>

<p>SAT scores will hurt... bad.</p>

<p>Unweighted I am a 3.6595......
You guys helped me decide to take ALL of my SAT's over.. SAT 1 in October SAT II's in November.</p>