Chances on getting into George Washington University

I’m thinking about applying ED to gwu this fall and I was just wondering if anyone could tell me my possible chances on getting in!! I plan on majoring in political science or foreign affairs but also being on the pre med track! Also I’m mildly concerned about financial aid and was wondering if ED would be smart or not. thanks!! (:
GPA: 3.9 (weighted), top 20% of class
AP’s: Bio (4), APUSH (3), Lang (4) & going to be taking Psych, Euro, Lit, and Chem next year
SAT / ACT: 1400 (single time, not superscore) / 28
Sports: Winter track for 3 years, Spring track for 3 years, Fall cheer one year (senior yr)
Extracurriculars: President if volunteer club for 2 years (been an active member for 4), healthcare club for 2 years, help found young democrats chapter in school, co-organized the national walkout, organized Rep. Joe Kennedy to visit school twice within one school year, went to Girls State, member of National Honors Society, worked at local grocery store for 2 years
Essay: haven’t written it yet, but I think I’m going to focus on finding happiness on my own and how my family has not contributed to that.

If you cannot afford to pay full tuition, I strongly recommend not applying ED. This is anecdotal, but every single person I know who applied ED is paying full tuition.

Good chance…stats are solid. As always make sure you clearly articulate why you want to attend George Washington and answer the essay questions thoroughly. Don’t skimp on your recommendation letters either.

I’m not sure if this is a dumb question, but if I were to get in ED but had to back out due to lack of financial aid, would I still be able to apply RD in hopes of getting in again with a better financial aid package?

You probably want to ask this during a tour or call George Washington directly. I know what you mean; you’re trying to hedge your risk of getting in by applying ED for the sake of just getting in and if no financial aid is given then essentially deferring your admission to the RD cycle. Fair enough, that’s perhaps a smart idea. I would talk to the admissions office at GW but make sure you approach your question in a diplomatic manner. Adcoms hate it when students make it too obvious that they’re trying to game the system such as by asking controversial questions. For future reference, if a school really likes you they’re certain hoops they’ll jump through in regards to flaws or weaknesses on your application- it’s one of those things that’s better just not to question.

@colieb0915 I’m not in Admissions, but I highly doubt you’d be able to back-out of ED to apply RD. As far as costs, expect to have to take-out Stafford loans every year (~$15K/yr) and have your parents pay-in whatever the school expects their contribution to be based on income. Other than that amount, you should receive aid if accepted (which I think you have good chance for Poli Sci, and fair chance for international afairs).