<p>NYU is definitely my top choice when applying next year (I am a junior now, applying for 2014-2015 school year). I would most likely be applying to College of Arts and Sciences for Economics. What would be my chances of getting in with either early decision or regular decision? Here are my stats:</p>
<p>-Predicted at least a 2100 SAT score
-31 ACT composite
-4.3 weighted/ 4.0 unweighted GPA
-5 AP classes, (AP U.S & AP Economics this year, I should have no problem getting 5s on those tests. (AP Calc BC, AP Psychology, AP Statistics, possibly AP European History Senior year)
-About 8 honors classes
-4 Years of french </p>
<p>-4 years on the rowing team (crew).
-Staff on my school's literary magazine for 2 years
-National Junior Honors society/ National Honors Society
-300+ hours volunteering at a large hospital
-2 Years of FBLA. 2nd place business law regional competition, Planning on doing well and placing at states and nationals.</p>
<p>-Various rowing awards, varsity lettering, scholar athlete, presidential academic awards, etc.</p>