<p>I'm a senior who would really like to attend Cornell. I'm not entirely sure about which school I want to apply, so I'd just like to know what my chances are at CAS and Engineering. (Applied Economics and Management at CAS or any Engineering). Leaning heavily towards engineering.</p>
<p>3.95+ uw GPA (6/676)
2170 SAT (740M, 660V, 770CR)
SAT II: 800 Math2C, 770 US History, 720 Chem
33 ACT (top subject scores 36 M, 35 E, 36 S, 29 R)</p>
<p>Average ECs, two big things are internship with US Representative, past two summers spent in program sponsored by DaimlerChrysler (1 in Germany, 1 in US/Canada)</p>
<p>(I'll probably retake SAT I standby in December too, I realize they are on the low side)</p>