Chances? perhaps?

<p>I visited Boston University this break and I loved it! I was wondering if I have any chance of getting in?</p>

<p>I am a junior, I took the SAT once, no studying, taking it again next week with a prep course (hopefully a large improvement) but my first score was a 1930 </p>

<p>good public school in Upstate NY, top 20%, but school doesn’t rank. </p>

<p>3.5 GPA UW with the hardest course load, numerous electives, I will graduate all honors with at least 5 APs and a lot of college credits. </p>

<p>Extra Curriculars:</p>

<p>4 years (2 JV 2 Varsity) XC, 4 years varsity tennis, 2 years indoor track
MUN club
Class Government, VP of class sophomore year and a lot of involvement with prom planning etc.
Femtastic gender equality club, involved in a lot of advocacy movements
business experience working for my dad’s company (too much to write about here, good stuff though)
Entrepreneurial ventures (again, a lot of details)
Volunteer work with adaptive ski program, I help developmentally disabled kids ski
Camp Counselor all summer (following being a camper for 7 years)
7 week leadership summit last summer in which I helped developmentally disabled adults play sports and other activities.
Nominated for Boys State, will most likely be attending</p>

<p>Recs will be good i’m sure, and I will write a good essay.</p>

<p>I would apply as a marketing major with a minor in Government</p>

<p>Any responses would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!</p>

<p>You’re in.</p>