Chances, please help. Criticism is fine.

<p>Hi everybody. It would be great if you all could let me know my chances of being admitted here. I'm from New Jersey and I don't know if that makes it harder or easier. I'm going to assume harder.</p>

<p>GPA: 3.75ish (lost my report card lol). Was a 4.2 but I tend to stop trying if I'm not being challenged (don't worry, I'm getting serious now and I know this is a tough college)</p>

<p>I was an honors student all through middle school but I got lazy so my only honors are:
9th: h algebra
10th: h spanish
11th: h accounting
12th: h physics/ap stat</p>

<p>SAT:1850. Math-700/Reading-610/Writing-540
-How heavily if at all is the writing section considered? Either way I am taking it again and hoping to get 2000+</p>

<p>I want to be an engineering major (which one, im not sure on yet, possibly chemical with a minor in math because as you can see ^^^, that's my strong suit.</p>

<p>I'm the captain of our school's hockey team. I also throw javelin and discus for track although I'm not spectacular at those. </p>

<p>Currently I am in no clubs but I plan to join FBLA this year since my friend is the President (is this going to hurt my chances by not being in any clubs?)</p>

<p>Work experience: just reffing hockey in the summer and doing office work for my sister's company but that's not a legit job (although she said she would figure a way to work it in for my advantage).</p>

<p>Sooo, yea. I know I could've done a lot better on the extra curricular part, but even with my lack of that, what are my chances?</p>

<p>1 AP is not enough. Does your school offer more APs and you chose the easier classes? if that’s the case it’s going to be tough.</p>

<p>i think you should build up on your ec’s and take at least 4 APs this year just to be safe. Your SAT scores are about the same as mine so I hope its good enough. Good luck on your application this year!</p>

<p>Your SATs are good enough. Dam near identical to mine. I had a crappy writing score too and they let me into engineering. Although I do agree you should work on how rigorous your classes are if possible.<br>
As an OOS student I would think that they’d be more lenient with you though. As an OOS student your tuition is gonna be higher, much higher, and if your willing to pay that then they will gladly take the money. I think that is why I got into so many OOS schools when I applied to colleges. </p>

<p>But by all means continue to strengthen your application. If your willing to strive for higher SATs then do it. If your willing to solidify your ECs, do it. College is important and well worth every effort you put into your application through senior year of HS. Whether you end up at VT or not, if you put in the effort you will end up happy somewhere.</p>

<p>Here are some stats for the entering 2010 engineering class. 2011 is not available yet but the students were told that 2011 was the hardest year yet to be accepted into engineering.</p>

<pre><code>SAT Reading 606
SAT Math 674
SAT Writing 593
HS GPA 3.96

<p>These are the means. More data is available at: [Institutional</a> Research - Students: Admissions](<a href=“]Institutional”></p>