chances?? please help!

<p>hi! im a senior and i wanted to know if you guys could give me some idea of where i could get into! </p>

<p>here are my academics:
9th grade
Biology A- A
Eng I Honors A- A-
Geometry H A- A
Health Ed F A-<br>
Phys Ed 9 F B- A
Spanish III H A- A-
Printmaking I A<br>
10th grade
Algebra II Trig A- A-<br>
Beg Dance/PE A+ A
Chemistry A A
Eng II Honors A A-
Spanish IV H B- B
Wld H Cult/Geog A- A
11th grade
AP Chemistry B B
AP English Lang B B-
AP Spanish Lang B+ A
Int Dance 1 A A
Pre-Calculus A- B
US History A A+
12th grade
AP Bio
AP Calc AB
AP Span Lit
AP English Lit</p>

<p>My SAT Score is 1840, and i will be taking it in october and november.
My SAT Subject is 540 (Chemistry) 640 (Math II) 570 (Spanish) and i will be retaking math II and other tests in december!
My ACT Composite score was 26 and i might take it again in oct, but probably not in dec.!
Please also let me know if i should even send my SAT II or ACT Scores!</p>

part of CSF, SHS, and Chemisty Network; member, trying for board, and trying for board (respectively)
also, i volunteer at the library every sat for community service and i have hours from tutoring after school!
i also started a business with my dad on eBay: he told me what to put + pricing + quantity, while i inputted alll the info and did shipping too! </p>

<p>MAjor: Computer Science, and i want to become a software engineer!</p>

<p>Here is my college list!

<p>Thanks so much for spending time to help me out! its really appreciated! :)</p>