Chances please!? I'm so scared.

<p>for UGA, which is my number 1 choice. it's a really competitive school, and yes, i live in-state.</p>

<p>Please be honest.</p>

<p>My school does not calculate GPA, but my cumulative numeric average is an 87.3.
Only thing is, i tried to transfer that to GPA myself just to check what it would be and i ended up with like a 3.1.. which is bad, I know, because I've gotten a lot of 88 and 89s.</p>

<p>But yeah, anyway, 87.3 is what was on my transcript.
I made one F.. in math, last year, after i transferred schools because I was sooo behind and couldn't catch up with my new school, and i did explain that on the application, but i still dont know if theyll hold it against me.</p>

<p>On the plus side, I made an 85 in math last semester, along with the best grades i've made in all of high school (and yes, i sent those first-semester senior year grades).</p>

<p>SAT: 2230/2400</p>

<p>EC: Environmental Action Club, Spanish National Honor Society, Spanish Club Vice President, 9th grade Basketball Cheerleading, Varsity Fencing, community soccer team (but each of those were around one year each, nothing major)</p>

<p>i have taken mostly all honors and AP classes, everything available at my school really.</p>

<p>What do you think, honestly? What worries me are my grades..
I'd rather hear an honest opinion, even if its disappointing, rather than a lie to make me feel better.</p>

<p>Let me know! I'm panicking every day until April 1, haha. thanks!</p>

<p>Can you say cha-ching on the SAT score? GPA is kind of low but hopefully they will look at the SAT score and take a second look at the application. I say no for sure if you are OOS just because Georgia is one of those big in state schools. In state though you have a decent chance. EC’s might hurt you. Hopefully you had some good essays and good recommendations.</p>

<p>I think your 87.3 is more like a 3.3 as an 87.3 is a B+</p>

<p>[Academic</a> grading in North America - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“]Academic”>Grading systems by country - Wikipedia)</p>

<p>[UGA</a> 1101: “Is the New Grading Policy Effective?” by Ben Simms](<a href=“]UGA”>UGA 1101: "Is the New Grading Policy Effective?" by Ben Simms)</p>

<p>i’m in-state.
and i dont know, but i’m hoping my short essays were decent. i seem to have done okay on the writing portion of the SAT (second time i took it - 800 :).</p>

<p>i’m now trying to decide whether or not to write them a letter stating my interest in the college… i dont know.</p>

<p>^I don’t think the writing portion of the SAT means beans about one’s writing ability. The essay is highly formulaic…</p>

<p>well i’m sure if you were a bad writer you certainly wouldn’t score an 800.
and if you were a good writer you wouldn’t score a 200.</p>

<p>you haven’t heard from UGA yet? I got my decision in December cause I applied early action. I got in out-of-state and my stats aren’t as good as yours, so I’m 100% confident that you’ll get in. Not gonna lie, I’m not a Bulldogs fan, but UGA is a great, fun, beautiful school with tons of southern charm. Enjoy your time there!</p>

<p>Yeah, but getting an 800 doesn’t mean you are a good writer. And you could get half of the grammar wrong and get a 3 on the essay and still get a 400. You would have to really try to get a 200. I’m not trying to debunk you as a writer (You’re probably good, I dunno), just saying it’s not really right to use an 800 in writing for the SAT to substantiate yourself as a writer.</p>