<p>Hey can you guys give me a fair estimate of my chances on getting into the following schools please? Thanks guys</p>
<p>Harvard, MIT, Caltech, Brown, Carnegie Mellon, Harvey Mudd, John Hopkins, USC, Wake Forest</p>
<p>4.0 GPA unweighted, 4.33 weighted.
I am taking the hardest courseload possible, which is only 7 APs total throughout my highschool career at the top private school in my area.
I would be valedectorian if I did not take band, but I am ranked 2nd or 3rd right now.
36 on ACT.
Subject tests: 800 math II, 720 US history, 670 Lit (I am taking AP lit this coming year, so I plan to retake this test as well as take the Chem subject test).
Former President of one of the top 20 key clubs in the world, now I am VP.
Officer in NHS, band, Rho Kappa, Mu Alpha Theta.
Chairman of huge projects, raising $5k, $15k, and $25k each, earning awards in the top 3 positions in each category in Key Club International.
Traveled to Haiti on a mission trip relating to my $15k project, and one of the main figures in helping to establish 1st ever school mission trip, although I wasnt able to attend :(
5s on both US history and Engl Lang AP exams (only ones available at my school for juniors).
Half Mexican.
Hopeful National Merit.
Work 10 hours a week during school.</p>
<p>I'm not sure what I want to major in, but I really love the liberal arts experience.</p>
<p>If you guys could give me an estimate, thatd be great. Thanks again!</p>
<p>Oh yeah and over 900 legit community service hours (social justice is one of my passions along with learning)</p>
<p>Thanks guys</p>