Chances, PLEASE!! (Rice, Cornell, Duke, etc)

<p>Asian Female, NY, Public</p>


<p>UW GPA: 3.73
Rank: 33/513 (6.5%)
SATs: 2270 superscored (taken twice)
CR: 690
M: 800
W: 780
SAT IIs: Bio-M: 720
Math I: 680
USH: 680 (I know I did realllly bad on time to retake them though)</p>

<p>All-Honors courses throughout high school
Junior Year: AP Calculus AB, AP Bio, AP USH, AP Language and Comp (AP Scholar with Honor)
Senior Year: AP Calculus BC, AP Government, AP Microeconomics, AP Lit, AP Stats, Honors Physics</p>


<p>-Founded an Asian-American youth community cultural outreach program
-Co-Captain for Varsity Girls' Tennis (featured in county newspaper as a tennis all-star two years in a row, won League Champs 3 out of 4 years, MVP two years in a row)
-Co-founder of a creative design club within my school
-Played violin for 14 years
-Concertmaster of my school's string orchestra since 10th grade (won Gold with Distinction for NYSSMA Majors)
-Part of a youth string ensemble that has gone to national competitions
-Have gotten a perfect score on NYSSMA every year since 6th grade
-Selected for NY All-State Orchestra (11, 12)
-Selected for MENC All-Eastern Orchestra
-Founded and played as first violin for a string quartet (have played at many regional arts festivals and cultural events)
-Part of two different string quartets in school (1st violin)
-Attended NYSSSA School of Orchestra Studies (11- worked with members of the Philadelphia Orchestra)
-Perform at Nursing Homes and Libraries bi-annually
-Secretary of Young Democrats Club (12)
-Chosen for Rotary Youth Leadership Award (attended four-day conference)
-Secretary of Amnesty International (9)
-Fashion Columnist for school newspaper
-Attended two-week intensive program at Vassar College about Preventive War and American Democracy
-Volunteer at Vassar Brothers Medical Center
-NHS, Spanish Honor Society, Math Honor Society
-Assistant Stage Manager at Charity Fashion Show</p>

<p>Work Experience:
-KUMON Learning Center (Math/Reading Program for accelerated students)</p>


<p>Can you get recruited for tennis?</p>

<p>Assuming you don’t,</p>

<p>Rice - Low Reach/High Match
Duke - Same as Rice
Cornell - same as Rice
UVA - Match
BU - Low Match
Emory - Match
Georgetown - Low to Mid Reach?</p>

<p>The LACs I aint familiar with</p>

<p>Rice- high match
Cornell- high match/low reach
Duke- low reach
Dartmouth- reach
Georgetown- low reach
Swarthmore- reach
UVA- match
Wellesley- match
Emory- match
Vassar- match (i think)</p>

<p>bump. i’ll chance you baack.</p>