Chances Please?

<p>Help please?</p>

<p>Out of state senior
School doesnt rank</p>

<p>3.75 uw GPA
4.20 weighted GPA
5 on APUS
5 on AP LANG</p>

<p>Senior year courses: Calculus honors, AP Euro, AP Gov, AP Lit, Journalism Honors, Computer Graphics</p>

<p>790 US SAT II
740 Lit SAT II
National Merit Commended Student (215 PSAT)</p>

<p>Wrote for school paper for four years (Editor-in-Chief this year and last year) and newspaper won two awards in a national judging competition </p>

<p>Ran Cross country for two years (Won a medal at a competitive Manhattan, NY race)
Ran Winter track for two years (Acting captain one year, won sportsmanship award)
Ran Spring track for two years (Won sportsmanship award)</p>

<p>Peer Leader for three years (only 10 out of 425+ kids get it, ambassador for new students, fundraisers, service drives, etc.)</p>

<p>National Honor Society Member, MUN member </p>

<p>Three years of Student Council (lots of hours involved) </p>

<p>Worked over the summer at T.J. Maxx
120+ volunteer hours</p>


<p>2150 SAT I
790 Writing
700 Math
660 CR</p>

<p>not a for sure in, but i would say your chances are pretty high</p>

<p>Sounds like an excellent chance. Be sure to check out the UW track club if you attend UW. This is NOT the top ranked UW track or cross country teams but a club sport that runs every day in the fall and offers a chance to compete in D3 meets for CC and track plus indoor “Shell” opportunities to work out.</p>

<p>Looks pretty good. Could you say what your race is? That’s a huge factor too.</p>

<p>Thanks for the chancing guys! Really appreciate it. And I’m Indian 1995Andrew.</p>

<p>Being Indian isn’t a hook but there are some good Indian restaurants in Madison, especially on the west side.</p>

<p>Hey so I applied last week. Around when should I hear back?</p>

<p>Check the website, I believe the guarantee is by Mar. 15th, but of course…it could be sooner. </p>

<p>If you read this board thoroughly, you’ll see some people that applied in September are still waiting, and their guarantee is by Feb. 1st. Anyone who applied after Nov. 1st, has the March 15th guarantee.</p>

<p>Good Luck!</p>