<p>dufflebag, USN&WR = US News & World Report. I assumed that most people know that around here, but maybe I shouldn’t have. Sorry for the confusion.</p>
<p>I’m just wondering, statistically, what you guys might think my chances would be based on my numbers. Evaluating the tenability of my EC’s is something I’ll leave to the adcom, but I know there are a lot of you out there who have read through past transfer threads or have transferred yourself and know some info on the kind of stats you need to have a good chance of being accepted into these schools. To those of you, I’d really appreciate some input!</p>
<p>well ec’s are an incredibly important factor…for lots of ivies who reject kids with 3.8-4.0’s everyday, ec’s are what make or break an application…so i would be wary of anybody who tried to give you accurate chances without knowing your ec’s…that being said, looking only at part of the picture, you should be in the ballpark for cornell, brown and u penn are a bit more reach-y</p>