chances RD

<p>hi, i'm a cali resident, and i was thinking of applying to some college. i already made a thread about UCs, but I was wondering about Wash U</p>

<p>how are my probabilities looking?</p>

<p>i'm in my jr. year soon to be sr. white girl, upper class, well-raised, etc</p>

<p>GPA weighted : 4.2</p>

<p>SAT: 1990</p>

<p>SAT II:
US History: 750
Chem: 760</p>

I'm president of the Green Club at my school
Vice President and former secreatry of the Cultural Awareness
Founder/President of Girls in Action Association
I do softball varsity, but i'm not very good at it. probably not college level
i've 300 hours of volunteer at the school library</p>

<p>i'm sure u'll do fine. :) no probls as long as u stay interested</p>

<p>I think you'll do fine, and even if you only get on the wait list, just keep checking back and you'll get in</p>

<p>whats the average SAT score for WUSTL?</p>

<p>i'd say a 1450. :P</p>

<p>wait this is out of the old one right? what is the new one?</p>

<p>If the old one was a 1450, then the new one should be within the range of 2160 to 2180.</p>

<p>I think your biggest weakness is the SAT I. These scores seem light, especially in view of your SAT IIs which look solid. WUSTL doesn't focus on SAT IIs - they aren't required. </p>

<p>What is the Green Club? Is that a real leadership position?</p>

<p>no it's totally fake =p</p>

<p>haha, just playing</p>

<p>green club is a group of students concerned about the condition of our earth and especially the depleting rain forests. we usually collect the recycled cans and paper that students put in these teacher's recyclable trash bins. we have an annual "Run for the Rain Forest". it's kinda like a jog a thon where you have a sponsor and you run and you give that money to us, and we use it for the benefit of the earth.</p>