Chances - Reach?

<p>White, Female, NY, 2008
Private Catholic School (350 students)
Income: $175,000-$200,000
Test Scores:
PSAT - 186
SAT - 1890 (750 CR, 460 M, 680W, 9 on the essay) - I am retaking the SAT’s in November.
SAT II - U.S. - 680 World - 660, French - 720.
Aps - AP U.S. - 5 — My school only allows Juniors and Seniors to take AP Courses.
This year: AP Euro, AP French Lit, AP French Lang and AP U.S. Government and Politics. I am also thinking of self-studying AP Art History, although, I’m not sure if I will.
Freshman Year Schedule
1. Environmental Science - B+/A-
2. English I - A
3. Math A - C
4. French II - B
5. Computer - B +
6. Art - C-
7. Music - C+
8. World History - B-/C+
9. Religion - A
10. Gym - A+</p>

<li>All the grades are UW</li>

<p>Sophomore Year Schedule
1. Biology - A
2. Math AB - A
3. World History II - A+, I also got the history award for being top in my class in history.
4. French III - A
5. Art - B+
6. Music- B+
7. Religion - A+
8. Gym - A+
9. English II - B</p>

<p>Junior Year Schedule
1. French IV - A+
2. Chemistry - C-
3. Math B - B
4. English - C- / I had an English teacher who absolutely hated me.
5. AP U.S. History - A
6. Latin I - B – received magna cum laude on the National Latin Exam.
7. Religion - A+
8. Gym - A+ </p>

<p>Senior Year Schedule and grades so far
1. Latin II - B-
2. English IV - A
3. AP European History - A
4. Mythology - A
5. Pre-College Math - B
6. AP Government/Economics - A
7. Religion - A
8. AP French Lang/Lit - A+
* At my school, my course load is considered very demanding. Also, very few students take AP courses due to the requirements such as a 90 average, essay and interview and due to the fact that they are extremely challenging and very few people earn UW A’s.
* Also, by the time I graduate high school, I will graduate with 7 years of foreign language which exceeds the 5 year requirement, and is rare in my school, must people do 5. </p>

<p>Unweighted: 3.0
Weighted: I am not sure, probably like a 3.3
Rank: 52/90, low rank due to hard schedule and the fact that I slacked off. </p>

Varsity Soccer - 9-12, lettered my junior year.
Varsity Softball - 9-12,Captain, lettered as freshman, I pitch and broke my school’s record of most strike outs, most consecutive innings/games pitched and most wins. I am not sure if I am good enough to play division 1 but I am definitely able to play division 2 and 3. I also have been contacted by the softball coach at Skidmore.
Clubs - Gaelic Society 11,12.
French Club 10-12, president
SEEK - 9-12.
Song Contest Lyrics committee - 10-12.
Tutoring - 10, 11, 12 in history and French 2-3x a week.
Italian Society - 12
Coat Drive </p>

Sophmore Year and Junior Year, I was a camp counselor at a camp in CT, for 2 months.
I am a certified lifeguard as well.
I helped coach a youth softball team last spring. </p>

<p>Teacher Recommendations = Excellent, French teacher said one of the best they’ve encountered in their career, AP U.S. teacher said one of the best students as well. </p>

<p>I would like to double major in international relations with a concentration in politics and philosophy. Also, maybe minor in Art History. </p>

<p>I'd really like to attend Hampshire and it is my #1 choice.</p>