chances? (second post)

<p>So, I already posted this and got no replies but a bunch of views...
I really have no idea what to expect so if anyone can help me out at all, i'd really appreciate it. </p>

<p>Graduated last may, currently on a gap year.
Went to H.S. in California, now live in PA.
Applying EA as Communications major. </p>

<p>UW GPA: 3.5
ACT: 26 English: 34 Reading: 29 Math: 23 Science: 21
ECs: varsity tennis, varsity basketball (many awards--city and county), travel soccer, yearbook editor-in-chief, asb senior class rep., community service, principal's advisory council (group of students chosen by principal to meet routinely and discuss school issues)
essays: very good
teacher recs: excellent</p>


<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>[College</a> Navigator - University of Miami](<a href=“College Navigator - University of Miami”>College Navigator - University of Miami)</p>

<p>The above links take you to the latest Common Data Set and admissions profile for UM. I’ll point out a few statistics:</p>

<p>While your English score is above the 75th%-tile, your Composite ACT is below the 25th%-tile for the U. Since you’re looking to major in communications I think/hope that Miami will over look the 21 in Science.</p>

<p>GPA-wise 78% of Enrolled freshman last year had GPA’s of 3.75 or higher. Another 10% were in the 3.5-3.74 range. </p>

<p>Statistically to me this makes Miami a reach. But I think there are ways to improve your chances. If you haven’t retaken the ACT/SAT do so. I would emphasize your English scores and grades in your essay or ask that your teachers point out your accomplishments in that area. Finally, what did you do during your gap year? Is it something that will add to your application? If yes, then I’d spend a lot of effort highlighting that experience.</p>

<p>I have the same comment as vinceh.</p>

<p>I think Miami would be very interested in knowing what you did during the gap year.</p>

<p>If you didn’t use that time wisely, I would think you definitely are not going to get in, because your stats are below Miami’s normal ranges.</p>

<p>But if you did something super great, that might be a big plus.</p>

<p>Thanks for you’re feedback! This helped.</p>