Chances Thread for an 09er

<p>Since I am going to be a senior in the fall, I was wondering what my chances were at my number one school, THE Ohio State University.</p>

<p>OOS (I’m a New Englandite)</p>

Total: 3.632 (Unweighted), 3.816 (Weighted)
Freshman Year: 3.2 (Unweighted), 3.2 (Weighted) (No honors)
Soph Year: 3.80 (Unweighted), 4.02 (Weighted) (1 Honors class)
Junior Year: 3.685 (Unweighted), 4.19 (Weighted) (2 Honors classes)</p>

<p>My school doesn’t rank.</p>

<p>Senior Year Schedule:
AP Chemistry
Honors Calc AB
Honors British Literature
Honors Social Science
College Prep Physics</p>

610 CR
610 Math
650 Writing</p>

-Ultimate Frisbee Club/Team - Captain
-Outdoor Track - Lettered grade 11 and 12 (more than likely)
-Indoor Track - Varsity runner for part of 11th and all of 12 (more than likely)
-SAP - Pledge not to use substances, and speak to community and students about the dangers of substance abuse.
-Business Careers Club</p>

<p>Have a fair amount of community service</p>

<p>Also, my freshman year was affected by outside circumstances (hence my grades being lower). I will list this in the Special Circumstances section.</p>

<p>I plan on submitting my app in September, to take full advantage of rolling admissions.</p>

<p>Considering all this, what are my chances at getting into OSU?</p>

<p>Just as a reminder/reference:
[url=<a href=""&gt;]Admissions[/url&lt;/a&gt;]&lt;/p>

<p>There be admission stats.</p>

<p>Remembering that all the people here at CC can do is guess, I feel comfortable saying that in my own opinion, you're in, though as always, slightly higher SAT could only help. Are you interested in any Honors/Scholars programs at Ohio State?</p>

<p>You'll be alright. I got in with a 3.01 and 680/670 SATs. Only a couple of AP classes.</p>

<p>Hokiesports, are you a current student or an athlete? Those stats seem really low considering what they're rejecting people for these days - people with 3.5s aren't getting in without extra good factors.</p>

<p>Anyway, I think you still stand a good chance though the test scores are low.</p>

<p>Hi, I will be starting my freshman year in just a week at OSU... (that part stinks about going to Ohio State. You start about a month after all your friends!!)</p>

<p>All of your info looks GREAT. They will be thrilled to see that your GPA has steadily increased since freshman year. A trend they like to see in admissions because then they'll assume you will continue to succeed into your college years.</p>

<p>Your SAT is okay. I got a 1280 on my math and reading combined score (I don't remember exactly how they were split but it was pretty even like yours are). The writing doesn't matter too much yet, I think they just look at it for reference because most Universities haven't decided how much that part matters in the success of a student. But you did good on it, so no worries.</p>

<p>I am from the East Coast as well and I was one of only about 20 people from my senior class who bothered to take the ACT. (Most mid-westerners/students in Ohio take this in place of or in addition to the SAT). I actually got a 32 on the ACT which is the equivalency of a score in the range of 1400-1430 on the SAT! That is a huge improvement! It got me in to their Honors program, too. Which is a big deal and will open lots of doors for you that might have been harder to open without being in Honors at OSU. I definitely suggest you take the ACT and hopefully you will experience that big of an improvement. I did better on it because they don't penalize you for wrong answers, so you don't omit answers. You answer as many as you can in the time you have. And also, because all the math was tested at once rather than in the SAT where its math, english, math, english. Constantly switching back and forth broke my mind's focus on subjects so hopefully you can do better on the ACT.</p>

<p>Sorry I wrote practically a novel, just trying to help! Other than your slightly "low" SAT score (you actually did quite well compared to my friends from high school), I think you have a really high chance of getting accepted. Good luck and GO BUCKS!</p>

<p>Oh and I received my acceptance around Thanksgiving time/late November. And I sent my app in on the first day. So you won't have to wait around til January to find out :)</p>

<p>It's difficult to compare one student against another because one might be an unrepresented minority getting in with lower scores. If anyone is sharing scores, they might want to add whether or not they are a urm so others can compare their scores appropriately.</p>

<p>Plenty of people get in with lower scores. People from underrepresented counties/areas, people who are really good at instruments, people who are really good at sports, people who have really high grades but low scores, people who know a lot about something not related to school, people who are very involved in an EC, people who write exceptional essays. It's not a urm vs. everyone else issue.</p>

<p>Kelsey, if you know that, why would you question someone else getting in with low scores? I posted because you seemed oblivious to the fact that one student's numbers cannot be compared to another student's scores.</p>

<p>I said it was hard to get in with low stats "... without extra good factors", some of which I just listed. </p>

<p>I see where you got the mistaken impression that I said it's not possible to get in with low scores, I was simply trying to clear up the misconception that it's simple to get into OSU with a 3.6 because another student got in with a 3.01 (since Hokiesports didn't mention any extra "hooks".) I was making the same point you have about numbers not necessarily being comparable without more information.</p>